Chapter 10

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Hi! I am back. I have actually posted on time and I am really happy that I did. This chapter is a continuation of the last. It isn't a long one, but I hope you still enjoy it!

"Where is Hyojong now?" Felix asks.

Chan runs a hand through his hair and shakes his head, "No idea...I shot him with a silver bullet, but it didn't do much except stun him a bit."

"Great, so it's one of those zombies," Felix sighs.

"Most likely," Chan says, "We got to nail his corpse back into his grave."

"That is a lot harder than it sounds," Felix says, "The zombie isn't going to just come waltzing in and I doubt that Miss. Kim is going to be on board to help lead her son back into the ground."

"I don't know about that," Chan says, pointing towards the hospital room that the two stand outside. Mr. Kim lays on the bed with a heart monitor and bandages wrapped around his head. His pulse is steady, but his skin pale from the amount of blood loss following his undead son's attack. His ex-wife sits beside him with a solemn expression on her face. As much as she hates the man, she doesn't wish for him to die. She can't help, but feel a bit worried for her former partner. "Still," Felix says, "She was really set on leaving her son be."

"Let's go talk to her," Chan says, "I'm sure we can convince her if she hasn't already changed her mind already." Felix shrugs and enters the room with his cousin following close behind him. Miss. Kim doesn't turn to look at them as they come inside, but it's clear she notices they're there. She speaks in a quiet tone to them, "I don't regret what I did."

"Hm?" Felix questions.

Miss. Kim sighs, "I know it's wrong, but I don't regret bringing him back to life. I got to spend more time with my precious son...time that I desperately needed..."

"But, he's hurt people," Chan states, "You know that, don't you?"

"Yes," Miss. Kim says, "That's why I'm going to let you do whatever it is you two do with unnatural beings....after all...what's dead should stay dead." The cousins look at one another, impressed that the overprotective mother is willing to let go of her son. Maybe it was the guilt of seeing her ex laying in a hospital bed with bandages all over him. Or maybe it was just that deep down the woman knew that it was the right thing to do. Her son would turn into a monster if she let him roam in earth for any longer. That is something even worse than death in her eyes. "I'm glad you see that now," Felix says, "We promise to do all we can to ensure your son gets back to where he should be."

Miss. Kim nods, "Thank you."

"Don't thank us yet," Chan says, "We may need your help." The woman turns to look at the two in the eyes with confusion. "Me?" She questions, "What can I do?"

"Do what you do best," Felix states, "Complain about us."

"What?" Miss. Kim asks.

"We need to lure Hyojong back to his grave and nail him inside his coffin. The only way that's happening is if you can convince him to come after us," Chan says.

Miss. Kim frowns, "Isn't that dangerous? What if you can't do it?"

"Don't worry about that," Felix says, "We'll get the job done, so will you give us a hand?" The woman purses her lips together for a moment before slowly nodding her head, wanting to do as much as she can considering this is her son and she is the reason behind his rebirth. "Good," Chan says, "Let's get to work."


Felix and Chan sit side by side in front of Hyojong's tombstone. Their clothes are covered in dirt and they have sweat gathered on their foreheads. There are shovels on the ground beside them that they used to get to the coffin and crack it open. The cousins wait for their zombie to arrive, their hands hovering over their pockets where they each sport a pistol loaded with silver bullets. "Do you think he's coming?" Felix asks, glancing at his cousin.

Chan nods, "If Miss. Kim did as we said, he should be here any moment now." Almost as if on cue, a shadowy figure begins to creep up behind them. Neither cousin seems to notice as Hyojong gets closer and closer. Felix sighs and leans back a bit. He turns his head back and forth, keeping an eye out for their monster. Suddenly, the sound of a branch breaking echoes through the silent night. Felix stiffens and turns his head around. His eyes widen and he shoots to his feet. He grabs his gun and fires at Hyojong, who is a couple of inches away from him. The bullet lodges itself into the zombie's cheek, making an indent and weird black colorings bloom onto his skin. His head tilts back a bit and he slows down for a second, giving Chan time to get to his feet and take out his own weapon. Hyojong recovers quickly though as his eyes filled with a murderous intent lock onto the two Australian hunters. He charges at them and barrels right into Felix. The freckled boy groans as he collides with the floor. The zombie pounces on top of him and pins his shoulders to the floor. "Lix!" Chan exclaims as he points his gun and fires two consecutive shots. The bullets hit the zombie's chest and make him go tumbling off of his cousin. Felix lets out a breath before quickly getting to his feet. He points his gun and fires again and again. His barrage pushes Hyojong back at a steady pace. The zombie staggers back until he reaches the hole that the hunters dug. He drops into it with a thug. Chan jumps in and pushes Hyojong into the coffin. "No!" Hyojong growls as he tries to get up. Chan grits his teeth as he pins him down. He reaches for a silver dagger from his back pocket. He slams it into Hyojong's shoulder. Felix drops down beside him and slams his own weapon into the zombie's other side. Hyojong flails a bit in a mix of terror and pain, but he can't do anything as his body is pinned to his coffin. His body slowly stills and his eyes fall shut, becoming nothing more than a corpse once again. Chan and Felix both stare down at him with emotionless expressions. "You can rest now, Kim Hyojong," Chan murmurs.


"How is she?" Chan asks as Felix gets into the car. They are parked outside of Miss. Kim's house, having stopped by to tell her they had done it before taking off again. "Hurt," Felix answers, "But, she'll be okay."

Chan nods and sighs, "It's sad...she had good intentions when bringing him back..."

"Well, that's just the way it is when you mess with monsters and magic," Felix says, "It never ends up good."

Chan nods as he starts the car up, "Let's get going. No more stops from now on."

"We both know that's a lie," Felix says, "As much as our main goal is to find out what happened to Wonpil, we're still hunters. If there's a hunt and we can save lives, we're definitely stopping. And I'm okay with it...Bang Chan and Lee Felix are in Korea and we're here for who knows how long. So, monsters better watch out, cause we're coming for them." Chan looks at his cousin, who has a soft smile on his face and a determined glint in his eye. The blonde smiles as well, glad that his younger cousin seems to be adjusting to hunting here in Korea. "Okay then," Chan says as he pulls out onto the street and hits the gas pedal.

Another mission down. Where do you think they'll be going next? Who will they meet? I hope that you enjoyed this chapter. If you can, please vote, comment, follow me, add this chapter to your library and make sure to check out my story Collision Course. Until next time, bye!

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