Chapter 4

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I promised to post twice this week, didn't I? Here is the next chapter of Wayward Kids! It pretty much picks up directly where the last one left off. Let's see how Felix and Chan are doing...

Felix groans as he slowly wakes up. His head is spinning, but he forces himself to slowly sit up. He looks around, taking in his surroundings, quickly realizing that he's in a motel. "Hey, dude, are you okay?" Chan asks from where he sits behind a table with a laptop open.

"I feel hungover," Felix huffs, "But, I didn't drink anything..."

"No, you didn't," Chan says, "You did though get touched by our wraith."

"What?" Felix questions. Chan nods and stands up. He grabs the laptop and takes a seat at the edge of the bed, so that Felix can see the screen. "Wraiths have the ability to increase your dopamine levels with just a touch. If you have any inner issues that you're keeping bottled up, they would arise and become realistic hallucinations making you psychologically unstable," Chan says, "Which I think is what happened to you..."

Felix sighs and lets his head fall, "I guess that would explain why I kept seeing monsters at every turn...they probably were just normal people...gosh I'm so stupid. How did I let myself get touched by a freaking monster and not even notice?"

"It happens to all of us," Chan says, "Lix...what the wraith didn't create something out of nothing..."

"I know what you're trying to say," Felix says, "Yes, I've been a little stressed and stuff. I mean I'm in a whole different country, who wouldn't be? But, it's nothing you should worry about."

"Are you sure?" Chan asks.

Felix nods, "Yes, if I truly couldn't handle this...I would tell you. All that other stuff was the wraith's influence talking..."

"Okay," Chan says, trusting that his cousin is telling the truth.

"What now?" Felix questions.

Chan purses his lips together, "Well, you should stay here and rest..."

"What? Why?" Felix says, "The wraith is still out there."

"Yes and you are still whammied," Chan says.

Felix scoffs, "I'm fine."

"Until the wraith is dead, you're not," Chan states.

Felix stares at his cousin with a serious expression, "You can't go out there alone. You don't even know who the wraith is!"

"I have the description Moon Bin gave and I have an idea of where to look," Chan says, "If you got touched by the wraith, we must have passed it sometime today..."

"Chris, that's all the more reason to have me come with you!" Felix urges, "If you run into the wraith, you'll need my help."

"It's just one monster," Chan states.

"Yeah, one monster that can make you lose it and suck your brain fluids out!" Felix huffs, "We agreed never to split up again. Remember." Chan falls silent for a second before eyeing his cousin with concern. "Are you sure you're up for this?" Chan asks.

"Yes," Felix states in a firm tone.

Chan sighs, "Alright, then, let's go."


"Really? The barbecue place?" Felix says as they pull into the parking lot of the restaurant they ate at yesterday.

"We need to retrace all your steps," Chan says as he parks the car, "We can't skip any spot we went to." Felix shrugs as he opens the car door. He walks towards the entrance with Chan following behind him. The cousins enter the establishment and are greeted by a waiter with a name tag that says Park Jinwoo on his shirt. "Welcome," Jinwoo calls out from where he's wiping down a table near the front of the restaurant, "You can sit wherever you want."

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