Chapter 8

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I am so bad at remembering what day it is. I will try to be more consistent from now on with my posting. Anyway, this picks up right off from the last chapter where we were introduced to two new hunters. Let's get into it!

"Have you guys never dealt with demons in Korea before?" Felix asks. The group all stand near the doorway of one of the warded cell rooms. They dumped the demon inside and chained him up, so that they could talk and figure out their plan of action. "We have," Jinyoung says.

"Then, why can't you kill it or exorcise it?" Felix questions.

"We've tried," Jaebum says, "The exorcism spell didn't do crap."

"Same with the angel blade," Jinyoung sighs.

Felix frowns, "That's weird."

"Tell me about it," Jaebum huffs, "That's why we're here. Seungmin, do you have a spell that can kill a demon?" The man of letters nods his head and gestures for the group to follow him. He leads them back to the main area and heads towards one of the bookshelves. Seungmin lets his fingers run along the bindings of the books as he searches for a specific one. "Found it," Seungmin says coming to a stop at a beaten up brown book. It appears to be more of a handwritten journal then textual lore, but no one really cares as long as it has what they need to do the job. He slips it from the shelf and brings it to one of the tables. He begins to flip through the pages until he lands on one that details a demon killing spell. "Okay, this may or may not work," Seungmin says.

"What?" Chan questions.

"I thought you said you had something," Jinyoung states.

"I do," Seungmin says, "But, it's never been tested before."

"Are you kidding me?" Jaebum shakes his head.

Seungmin sighs, "It's some firsthand account from a Korean man of letters that visited America. Apparently, he spoke to the prophet of the lord, who told them about this demon tablet that talks about this bomb that is supposed to kill demons."

"I've never heard of a demon tablet before..." Felix says, "Or a prophet of the lord..."

"That's why I said it may not work," Seungmin says, "Not to mention, the ingredients for this thing are freaking ridiculous."

"Do you have them in the chapterhouse?" Chan asks.

Seungmin shrugs, "Maybe..."

"Show us what we need," Jinyoung says, "If it has a chance of killing the demon, we should give it a shot." Seungmin nods and turns the journal around to show them all the list of things they need to make this demon bomb.


"What if it doesn't work?" Felix asks.

"We'll cross that road when we get to it," Jaebum states.

"If we get to it," Seungmin says, "The hope is that the bomb does the trick." He holds a bowl with a bunch of crushed up items inside. He sprinkles some weird looking root thing into it before stirring it a bit. "Okay, I just need to light it on fire and it should go boom," Seungmin says.

"It won't do anything to us, will it?" Jinyoung questions.

Seungmin opens his mouth for a second before closing it and pursing his lips together, "We'll just run out of there as soon as we can." The group sigh and nod their heads, not exactly happy that they're testing out a spell that hasn't been used before. They want the demon to be gone, but they also don't want this spell to backfire and kill them. "I'll do it," Chan says, holding his hand out for the bowl.

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