Chapter 13

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Hi! I am back with a new chapter. Like the previous ones, this one has new guests and some more crazy supernatural fights. I hope you're ready!

Then: Gunpo

"Are you sure that you're okay to close up for tonight?" Taeyong asks as he stands near the exit of the small movie rental store, looking back at his business partner. Johnny nods his head as he shoves a box onto a shelf, "Don't worry. It's not like it's my first time locking up."

"I know, but last time you left the back door open and Mark and Haechan decided to use the place for a party," Taeyong says, "There were chip bits in all the DVDs."

Johnny laughs a bit at that, "I don't even understand how they manage to get food inside the casing..."

"Johnny," Taeyong huffs.

"I got it," Johnny says, "Just go home. Stop stressing." Taeyong sighs before nodding his head and exiting the store. Johnny bends down to pick up a small stack of returned movies. He reads the label on the side and heads towards the aisle to place them back for the next person to rent. The movie rental store is small, but filled with loads of shelves that have a bunch of movies stacked inside. They take up most of the space in the store, leaving just enough for people to walk by on the dark blue carpeting. The AC blows loudly in the quiet store, the only other sound coming from Johnny as he hums under his breath while shelving the movies. The man walks back to the counter after finishing up and bends to pick up more movies. As he does, a bell rings as the front door is opened. "I'm sorry, we're closed!" Johnny calls out. He stands back up and looks at the young man with bleached blonde-white hair that has entered the store. He's garbed in baggy faded blue pants and a black leather jacket. His long hair falls into his eyes a bit and touches his lower neck. He has a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips and his eyes glint as he looks at Johnny. "Hey? Did you hear me?" Johnny questions as he gives the weird man a look. The man doesn't say anything and only proceeds to walk towards the countertop. Johnny shifts a bit uncomfortably, finding the white-haired man more than weird. The man stops in front of the counter and leans against it nonchalantly. He looks up at Johnny before slowly opening his mouth and revealing razor sharp teeth. Johnny's eyes become wide saucers and he stumbles back. His hands fly across the back desk as he searches for his phone or something that he can use as a weapon. His hand clenches around a pair of scissors that they use to open up packages. He wraps his hand around the handle and purses his lips together as he swings it towards the man's face. The blades of the scissor jab into the man's cheek. Johnny quickly releases the weapon and staggers back, shocked that he just did such a thing. He looks towards the man, who doesn't seem very phased by the scissor sticking from his face. He calmly takes the handle and yanks it out. He drops it to the floor and sighs as a little bit of blood drips onto his shirt. He rubs at it and scowls when he only makes the stain worse. He shakes his head and looks back up at Johnny, who has gone completely pale. "I don't like to play with my food," The man says, "But, you ruined my shirt, I can't just let you die painfully." Johnny opens his mouth, but no sound comes out. He just gapes like a fish out of water as the man leaps over the counter and comes at him with his teeth bared.



"Let me guess," Felix says as Chan sits across from him with his tablet in his hand, "You have a case?" The two are sitting inside a motel room where they are taking a break before hitting the road again to Wonpil's next documented location. It's a small room decorated with cartoony flowers and swirls wallpaper. There are two twin sized beds with similar designed sheets and a small table which Felix sits at eating a burger. Chan nods his head and places his device on the table, "I was just searching about town stuff and came across this." Felix reaches out for the device, but Chan pulls his tablet away from him. The freckled boy flashes his cousin a confused look and Chan eyes his greasy hands. Felix sighs and grabs a brown napkin. He runs it over his hands before reaching out again. This time Chan passes it to him. "Murders in Gunpo," Felix reads as scrolls through the article, "A young man in his twenties named Johnny Seo was killed in his store just last night adding to the recent killings within the town. Seo is the fifth death in the past month." Felix sighs and places the tablet down. He leans back in his seat and shrugs, "Might not be anything supernatural."

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