Chapter 21

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Hi! I am back with a new chapter. I have absolutely nothing to talk about in this author's note, so let's get right into it!

Then: Gimpo

Wonpil hums under his breath as he walks in the grass towards a blue sandbox. He is at a children's playground which is completely empty. It's chilly outside and the hunter is garbed in a tan coat and he has a silver angel blade in his hand. He crouches down as he reaches the sandbox which has an interesting design of circles and lines on the sand. He tilts his head as he looks at, almost like he's studying it. "What is this sigil?" Wonpil asks, "I mean it's something I've never seen before." He brings his hand up and lets it hover over the design. He frowns when nothing seems to happen. He sighs and slowly stands up, "How does this work? Does it only allow angels to use it? What would happen if a human like myself would try to enter?" He looks behind him and awaits for an answer. He tuts and shakes his head when he receives none. "You're no help," Wonpil states, staring at the dead body on the ground that has ashy b black wings imprinted on the ground underneath him.



"He killed an angel?" Felix asks, "Why?"

"It doesn't say," Chan answers, "This journal entry is pretty short. He just wrote that he killed an angel and there's this address written as well, but that's pretty much it. He doesn't go into why he went after feathers or what the case really even was." The two are seated within a pop up tent where they are grabbing a late lunch. They just arrived in town less than an hour ago and they are exhausted from their long trip. "That's weird," Felix says, "Usually, Wonpil shares everything about his hunt in a certain town." Chan nods his head as the waitress comes over and places a bowl of steaming noodles in front of each of them. They both mouth thank you to the woman before she walks away. "It could mean something," Chan says, "This case is clearly different. Maybe, here we'll find out what Wonpil was doing that led to his death."

"Maybe," Felix murmurs, "What about that address?"

"Give me a sec," Chan says as he taps on his phone that sits on the table beside him. Felix takes this as an opportunity to start eating his food, watching as his cousin searches the location up online. "Got it," Chan says, "It's a playground near an old school."

"A playground?" Felix questions, "That's random."

"Wonpil wrote it down," Chan says, "I'm guessing it's important."

"We'll go there after lunch then," Felix says. Chan nods and pushes his belongings to the side so that he can focus on the bowl of food in front of him.


"Okay," Felix says as the cousins walk across the grass and to the playground that has slides and structures in a green and brown theme, "This looks like a normal playground."

"Yeah," Chan murmurs as they look around the area.

"I don't know what we're supposed to find here, hyung," Felix says.

Chan nods, "I'm sure something happened here. I mean why else would Wonpil make note of it, but there's nothing that stands out to me."

"The only thing that is a tad bit weird is that sandbox," Felix states, pointing towards the design that spans the entirety of the sand. Chan glances at it and nods his head in agreement. It's interesting, but it doesn't exactly scream supernatural. "I don't think there's anything here that is worth our time," Felix says, "Maybe, Wonpil wrote the address down incorrectly."

Chan shakes his head, "He doesn't make those kinds of mistakes. I'm sure we're just missing something. This place is important, I know it." Felix shrugs his shoulders and watches as his cousin starts to look around once again for the reason that Wonpil wrote this location in his journal. "I feel like we're wasting our time here, hyung," Felix sighs, "There isn't anything here."

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