Chapter 20

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This chapter is a fun one. I hope you all enjoy. It picks up where the last left off and is filled with a bunch of crazy tricks. It also calls back to a actual Supernatural episode that happened. If anyone is familiar with the show and can see the connection, let me know! With that said, let's get into Chapter 20!

Chan and Felix tense as they appear in this weird room with light blue walls and a large mirror. The floor is made of light brown wood tiling and there are huge speakers near the corners of the room. They're the only two there which is both a good thing and a bad thing. "Where are we?" Felix questions.

Chan runs a hand through his hair and shakes his head, "I have no idea."

"This is cause of the trickster," Felix murmurs, "He must have sent us to one of his stupid worlds!"

"Great," Chan huffs, "What now?"

"We need to figure out how to get out of here," Felix says, "Wherever here is...." The cousins look around the room again, trying to figure out what to do next. "We should go explore," Chan says. Felix sighs and nods his head. The two head towards a door and pull it open. They exit the room and are met by a hallway filled with other doors leading to more rooms. "This is nice," Felix says in a sarcastic tone, "Where to now?"

"Down the hall, I guess," Chan says. The cousins slowly make their way down the empty hall, making sure to be aware of their surroundings as they do. They turn a corner and are met by two young men walking in the opposite direction. Chan stares at them and his eyes widen when he recognizes them, "Jaebum hyung...Jinyoung hyung." The two look at the Aussie with smiles as their names are called. Chan and Felix rush over to stand in front of them, curious as to why they're here as well. "Did the trickster get to you too?" Chan asks, "I thought you were going after Ramiel. What happened?"

"Uh, I could ask you the same thing," Jaebum says, "Are you two alright? You seem a bit frantic."

"Yeah, I mean we just got sent to this random building in this random world by an imp who owns a coffee shop!" Felix explains.

"I don't think you two got enough sleep last night," Jinyoung says.

"How are you two so calm?" Chan questions, "Don't you realize what's going on?"

"I don't know what you're talking about, Chan," Jaebum says, "Everything is pretty normal."

"Normal?" Felix says in a confused tone. Jinyoung and Jaebum both nod their heads. The cousins look at one another and then back at their fellow hunters with puzzled expressions. "Jinyoung hyung," Chan says, "Where are we?"

"Um...the JYP entertainment headquarters," Jinyoung answers with a concerned look on his face, "Are you two okay? You're both acting like you've never been here before..." The cousins don't answer him, trying to make sense of this situation. "JYP," Felix whispers under his breath, trying to remember where he's heard that name before. His eyes slowly widen and he slaps Chan's arm. "JYP," Felix says in a harsh tone, "His nametag..." Chan gapes at it slowly dawns on him. The trickster sent them to a world where he owns an entertainment company. Great. Just great. "That means that you two are idols," Chan says, looking to his friends.

Jaebum nods, "Just like you two. Are you sure you're alright?"

"Yeah, we're fine," Felix chirps to them before turning to his cousin and whispering harshly, "Just like us!?" Chan pats his cousin on the shoulder, feeling just as overwhelmed as him about this new world. "I would go talk to your manager about taking a day off," Jinyoung says, "You two may need it."

Jaebum nods, "Well, we have to go. We have practice." The two wave as they walk down the hallway that the cousins just came from. Once they're alone again, Felix and Chan look at each other. "Okay, so that freaking trickster sent us to a world where we're Kpop stars!?" Felix questions in shock.

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