Chapter 7

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Hi! I am back. Sorry about the short hiatus. Things got really crazy for a couple of weeks, but things have finally calmed down a bit so I am back with a new chapter. I'm really excited to get into this one. The story is progressing and we're meeting some more characters. I won't make this note any longer and just get into it. Enjoy!

Then: Men of Letters Chapterhouse

"Hyung!" Seungmin exclaims as Wonpil marches towards the exit of the chapterhouse with two duffel bags thrown over his shoulder. Wonpil doesn't answer his younger brother, continuing to walk on as if he never spoke. Seungmin huffs and reaches out to grab onto his brother's shoulder. "Hyung!" Seungmin states, yanking him around to face him, "What the heck is going on?!"

"Nothing," Wonpil says.

Seungmin scoffs, "Do you expect me to believe that? You haven't been back here since-,"

"Don't say her name," Wonpil mutters.

Seungmin sighs, " haven't been back in months and now you come over asking for my help on this hunt that you won't tell me anything about!"

"You just need to trust me," Wonpil states.

"How do you expect me to do that when I don't even know what we're hunting?" Seungmin retorts.

"For the record, it's what I'm hunting..." Wonpil says, "I just want you on the comms when something goes wrong..."

"When?" Seungmin questions, "You make it sound like you expect things to go haywire." Wonpil looks his brother in the eyes for a second before shrugging off his hand and heading towards the door again. Seungmin's eyes narrow, "Hyung."

"What?" Wonpil says, turning his head back.

"What are you doing?" Seungmin asks, "What is this hunt and why is it so dangerous that you expect for things to go south?"

"The less you know the better," Wonpil states.

"How am I supposed to do my job if I don't know anything?!" Seungmin exclaims. Wonpil falls silent for a second and his gaze flits towards the floor. "Hyung," Seungmin states, staring at his older brother.

Wonpil slowly looks back and sighs, "I got myself into something that I don't want you anywhere near...I won't let you get hurt because of me...not you too...."

"And what about you?" Seungmin questions, "What if you get hurt?"

"Then, I get hurt," Wonpil states before exiting the chapterhouse before Seungmin can say another word.


"Why don't we have a Men of Letters in Australia?" Felix asks, "I feel like they would make hunting so much easier."

Chan shrugs, "I think there was a proposed branch, but they shot it down..."

"Of course, they did," Felix murmurs. Chan turns the wheel as he pulls the car into the garage of the chapterhouse. Felix looks out the window with intrigue at the huge area where a variety of other vehicles are parked. If the rest of the chapterhouse is anything like the garage, it was sure to be impressive. Chan pulls into an empty spot before pulling the key from the ignition and exiting the car. Felix gets out as well and whistles under his breath, "This is pretty cool."

Chan nods and points to the other side of the garage, "My car is over there, so we can finally ditch this crappy rental." Felix looks over and chuckles when he sees the black Impala. "Really?" Felix questions.

"I heard that it's a pretty good car for hunting," Chan says.

"Someone else drives this thing?" Felix asks.

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