∞Part 4 - Feeling Forever

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When you walk into the room all the coloured lights blind you. Weasley's special fireworks in combination with a few patronuses. That was a tradition - to indue your patronus if you were a first year student. 

The music booming in your ears  and you thought: Lana Del Reys familiar voice coming from the speakers. Good music for once, who was the DJ?

You were walking behind Fred, the smell of weed in combination with a cheap aftershave was immaculate. It straight up drove you crazy.

Hermione, Harry and Ron was walking behind you. Hermione was still a little pensive about her decision to party. 

Ginny had left the five of you to join Luna. You looked over at them and saw that Luna was at the DJ board, that explained the good music. They must be more than friends you thought. Or at least you hoped that they were. 

The room were crowded with people both on the dance floor and around the Weasley-bar.

You could see from a far distant that George with his wand in his hand and drinks flying between the bar and students, the peak of magic.

When you approached the bar George received a small smile on his face but it quickly disappear when he saw his twin brother. 

-"Bro where the fuck have you been?" George looked at you and then back at Fred with a smirk on his face. 

-"Haha chill down, it's not what you think. Look, I'm sorry I'm late but I was really tired." Fred answer his brother with a calm tone. 

While Harry and Hermione orders two butterbeers - one with booze and one without Ron joins their conversations:

-"Don't believe a word this dude says, he's the highest in the room." You laugh at his statement and nods in agreement.

-"Okay okay I'm going to admit it. Hagrids weed was lit, it really was. Y'all should try some." Fred hands over an already rolled joint to Ron and he asks you if you want to share it with him. Before you can answer Fred interrupts you:

-"Me and Y/N can split, I guess you want more than just half a joint?" Fred looked at you with a funny face but you could see in his eyes what he really desired. He knew exactly how to make you weak, with drugs of course. 

-"Yes, I'll do anything you say Mr. Weasley." You answer him with a pleading sarcastic voice. 

Fred smirks and pushes you backwards causing you to fall on Harry who had just started to drink his beer. 

You turn around and expects a mad screaming Harry but to you get surprised with his laugh. Thank God. Typical Harry, even if he is covered in butterbeer he laughs. This was why he was your best friend - his kind heart.

-"I'm so sorry Harry, I'm so clumsy and Fred pushed me. I can get you a new drink." You collect some napkins from the bar and tries to dry him of. 

-"Y/N it's okay, it totally is! This costume was too little anyways. I can just go and change."

Hermione and Ron stands behind him laughing and you look back at Fred to give him a dirty look. He mimes "Sorry".

"Me and Ron can come with you. Ehm because we need to ehm... study." Hermione says and looks at you with a smile. You understand exactly what she was talking about but Harry didn't seem to see the hidden message. 

-"Oh thank you" He says while drying of his coat. The three of them leave and you see Ron wrapping his arms around Hermione before they disappear in the crowd. 

You look back at Fred and pushes him the same way he pushed you. His reflexes must be fast because before he fall backwards he grabs your arm. The sudden movement and Freds tall body causes you to fall forward against him. 

You collide into each other and the tension quickly rises. His arms has a firm grip on your arms and you have your hands on his chest. You can feel his heart beating fast witch gives you confidence. 

A laughter escapes from your mouth and Fred looks scared but he quickly recovers. 

-"Can we just order shots and then dance. I'm tired of standing here." You now realised how much you craved to dance with him and match his moves. 

-"Sounds good Y/N. Fred could we get some vodka and two shot glasses!" Your name sounded so well falling out from his mouth. Geroge was still kind of mad and stressed but served you your order. 


After many shots and even a joint you and Fred had mostly caught up on your entire lives. He had told you about the time he, George and Ron had taken the family car to rescue Harry. Mrs. Weasley had been so mad when they got home. She punished them with cleaning the car and their own rooms.

You had told him about your first detention with Professor Snape and how it quickly became a habit. How he in the beginning was strict and harsh but as you got older you became closer. You even told him about the few times you had given Severus a blowjob to get out earlier. The last part was a lie but you wanted to see Freds reaction

His smile and laugh turned into a confused and surprised look while he quietly said: "Wicked". You looked him into his eyes and continued to recall moments that never happened.

-"Let me tell you about the rumors about that Snape is packing, they're true. And when he-" Fred interrupts you.

-"Okay okay Y/N I don't need all the details. I wont be able to look at him and not picture you in-" He stops himself when he realised what he had done. A red colour starts to grown on his face and you laugh while taking another shot. The burning feeling in your throat feels less than before. 

-"It's a joke! I would never do anything like that to Snape, or would I?" Fred laughs a little to defuse the tension he created. The alcohol has started to kick in and you say in a sarcastic way:

-"But you can keep that image in your head but picture yourself in Snapes position." Fred gets a cute smirk and answers: 

-"Fuck off your sarcastic twat." The both of you share the rest of the bottle and then you invite him to dance. 

He takes your hand and you lead him to the middle of the crowd. The music being louder than before. Slowly but surely as the alcohol took over you moved closer to each other.

Fred grabbed your hip and he stroke his hand over your leather skirt. You turned around to push your back to his front. While you lifted up your arms to grab the back of his neck he leaned closer to say directly in your ear: "I've wanted to touch this skirt the entire evening." You smirked and felt sexier then before. 

You turned around to face him again and you asked with a serious face: 

-"To touch the leather or whats underneath?" Fred laughed and answered:

-"I already know what's underneath so I guess I just wanted to touch the shiny leather." He says and grabs both of your hips to come closer to him. Your hands reach his back and you sneak your hands under his shirt. Your cold hands makes him jump but you remember what Fred said the summer night in his room.

-"Cold hands are so nice, not matter if it's summer or winter." His voice echoed in your mind.

A small groan came from Fred and it made your underlife throb. You continued to dance in each others arms while letting the music guide you.

"You make me crazy, you make me wild. Just like a baby you spin me around like a child."

I swear that nothing existed, not even time. 

It was only him and I. 

Our bodies were tangled and moved in sync to the beat. 

Like a beautiful pattern or a puzzle we matched each other perfectly. 

His hands in my hair just like in the middle of July. 

No one could stop us, we were forever, right there, right then. 

One more night - Fred Weasley X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now