✎Part 9 - Red hoodies and Red faces

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The sunlight blinded you and for a second you didn't recognize the room you were in.

Fred was lying next to you with his back against you. You moved closer to spoon him and his warm body was as soft as yesterday.

Pictures from last night flashed in front of you. Dancing, drinking, smoking, blowing Fred and then him dominating you. Even though there had been a lot of alcohol and weed you remembered everything, his thumb around your clit and his toned abs.

You looked at the small clock standing on his bedside table and it showed 12 pm. Oh no, you were supposed to meet Hermione at 11:30 pm in the library to study. She had offered you help for the test in astronomy next week. You flew out of bed as you took on yesterdays clothing. You couldn't find your top so you took the first hoodie from Freds closet, a red one with a yellow Gryffindor-print. It smelled like him: aftershave and smoke. 

Fred groaned when you left him in bed and with a desperate morning voice he said:

-"No stay." It was hard to leave him.

-"I'm sorry I would stay but I have to study with Hermione." You walked up to him and sat a the side of the bed.

-"You look sexy in my clothes." His eyes were barley open and his voice was still raspy. Your hand ran through his hair and you said in a sarcastic voice:

-"You really need to shower." He laughed a little and then pulled you onto the bed as he began to tickle you. His arms were firmly wrapped around you and it was impossible to escape.

-"Stop it." You giggled as he eased his grip and you stood up again. The few steps to the door was hard when you knew you left him behind. To defuse the sad tension you said:

-"I'll see you later." Not sure if it was supposed to be a question or a demand.


Hermione was sitting at her usual spot in the library, in the sofa int he corner of the study area. A big pile of books accompanied and she was too focused to even notice you.

-"Hey, how y'all doin?" You said in a silly voice as she looked up from her book.

-"Where have you been? We were supposed to meet at 11.30." She didn't sound mad, she enjoyed to study alone. But it was devastating to know that you had betrayed her.

"I slept through my alarm, sorry." She looked down at your hoodie but she never asked anything.

-"Ehm I have so much to tell you Y/N." You sat down beside her and as Hermione closed her book a blush grew in face. Wait, was this about her and Ron? 

-"You're not gonna believe me. Oh my god it was amazing." While grabbing your hand she continued to express her feelings. 

-"We did it." Your mouth formed an O and you hugged her.

-"I'm so proud, how was he?" Hermione giggled at your question but surprisingly she answered:

-"He was super nice and supportive. But he has a weird thing with saying "Bloody" every time he comes." The two of you bursted into laughter. A few students looked at you with dark eyes, you were still in the library after all.

-"And it was his first time as well." She got her puppy eyes and you really understood how teacher gave her straight A's just by the way she melted you.

-"Did you sleep in his room?" You asked as you started to pack up your books.

-"No I didn't. I said that I had to wake up early to study, but he already knew that." 

-"Of course he did, that lover boy."

She help you to study and it was actually a lot easier than you had expected. If there was anyone who was born to be a teacher it was Hermione. Her ability to explain things in an organized and simple way was one of her best skills.

When you felt like you understood enough you packed together your stuff and left the sofas. While walking the stairs up to the common room you met Luna and Ginny, they were walking down. They were holding hands and a flashback from yesterday came into your head. It was them sitting by the fire, a ginger and a blond. There was probably only two heathers in this school and they were together, what a power couple. 

-"Hi guys." Ginny said as they passed. You smiled at them and continued to walk upstairs. While the stairs started to move you and Hermione had time to catch up on the new couple.

-"They are really made for each other." Hermione said.

-"Yeah, they're really beautiful." You added. Hermione got a questioning look and when you asked what was wrong she said:

-"Did you hear what happened in Freds room yesterday?" Oh shit, what was this about?

-"Ehm... No? What happened?" You acted like you didn't have a clue on what was going on but in reality you really wanted to hear it.

-"Okay, so I was just going to leave Rons room when we heard it, he had sex with someone. And this someone must've quite enjoyed it." You just laughed and you felt a blush grow on your face. It was unusual for you to blush but Fred did something to you. 

Hermione just looked at you as she tried to put the pieces together: The hoodie, the party, sleeping late. Finally her jaw dropped to the floor.

-"It was you!? You were with Fred?" She said a little too loud. You covered her mouth as you took her hand a started to run up the stairs.

One more night - Fred Weasley X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now