♔Part 8 - Daddy issues

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A/n - sexual details - feel free to skip if your not comfortable with it xoxo


The common room was not as quiet as the rest of the school. A few students was sitting on the sofas and played exploding snap. Two was in front of the fire reading, a red haired girl and one blond. 

You had totally forgotten about time but when you saw that the big clock showing 1 am you started to think about the evening. It felt so long ago since you, Hermione and Ginny was sitting in here discussing women.

Fred was walking in front of you as he turned to the left to a long hallway with many doors. You knew that his room was here as well as Harrys and Rons. 

He stopped at the third door to the right said the spell alohomora and walked in. 

His room was just like you remembered it, a simple unmade bed, a desk full of books and papers. A dusty guitar was standing in the corner of the room and his closet was fully open looking very unorganized with robes lying around it. The door to his bathroom was closed but you guessed that it looked alike. 

Even though you would really wanted to clean it all away it was charming and it felt like a real home. 

-"It ain't much, but it's honest work." Fred invited you to his room. You smiled and started to look around. A picture of him and George accompanied his undone homework on his desk. There was even a few boxes with fireworks standing by his chair.

-"What are these for?" You asked him and pointed at the box. He walked closer to you and said:

-"For the grand finale." He smirked but couldn't keep the mask on for long. He stared to laugh and you did as well. You pulled him closer and looked him into his eyes.

-"I really like when you try to be dominant, it's cute." He looked at you with a mad face and said ironically:

-"I'm not cute miss Y/L/N." He tried to change his character again.

-"Prove it then." You smirked back at him and you can swear that you witnessed his eyes delay. 

The unexpected feeling of Freds hand around your neck shocked you and Fred became concerned at first. But after feeling you breath stabilize he kissed you, sucked and bit your lower lip. He moved his head down to kiss your neck while moving his hand down to your chest massaging your breasts. You felt him leaving hickeys on you and a small moan escaped causing Fred to completely stop. He looked at you and said with a serious voice:

-"What did I tell you about making sounds?" You bit your lip and apologized to him as you promised to not make a sound again. 

-"Good girl." Fred answered in a neutral tone. He continued to kiss your neck and moving his hands further down in under your leather skirt. His circular motions on your vagina through your lace panties was so intriguing. While trying to not make a sound Fred stared to breath heavily. 

-"You're so wet Y/N." He moved down to his knees while pulling your skirt off. You looked down on him and he looked up at you. 

-"Is it okay?" Fred asked

-"Y-y-es." You were now under his spell. He took your hand and led you to the bed. As he pushed you onto it he climbed on top of you. 

You made out for a while as your wetness grew even bigger. Fred was grinding against your panties and you could feel his hard member through his pants. 

In between the making out you helped Fred to take off his clothes. He un bottomed his white shirt as you zipped down his jeans. The toned ads were once again visible and you rolled over top straddle him. You began sucking on his lower stomach as he said something:

-"I'm the one in char-" You blocked his last words with your hand on his mouth. You already knew what he thought. 

While moving your hips back and forth Fred looked you deep into your eyes, like he was planning on something. 

After a moment Fred pushed you off and you once again laid underneath him. The weight of his body on top of you and he placed both your hand over your head, making it impossible to move.

-"I'm the one in charge miss Y/L/N." Okay, this was it. You didn't care anymore, you just wanted his hard dick deep down your wet pussy. He could've run you over with a truck and you would've thanked him. 

-"Yes Daddy." Was the only thing you could say in this heated moment. 

When Fred realised that you would do everything he said began to kiss you again, he planted them all over your body and you couldn't do much else than to smile. The view of him exploring you like a map was so exciting. 

As he moved further down he began sucking on your inner thighs as he slowly took off your panties, exposing your entire underlife. His eyes grew bigger and he looked at you to get consent. You just nodded to agreement. 

He moved his head closer to your pussy beginning with sucking on your clit while he massage your inner things with his thumbs. The feeling was immaculate and his touch made your back arch. When he inserted one finger you couldn't help but to moan. Fred looked at you with mad eyes but smirked pretty.

He inserted another finger and the pain grew bigger as the pleasure continued. 

-"You're so tight Y/N." His words were raspy almost stuttering.

-"Stretch me out Daddy." It was a demand and a request that you needed. He moved on top of you again while he licked the liquid of his fingers. You helped him to get off his boxers but as soon as they were off he pushed down again on the bed with him still on top. A groan came from Fred when the tip of his dick entered you. 

The desired feeling of him inside you was amazing, you moaned loudly when he slowly went deeper. When he felt that you were adjusted to his size he went faster, pumping in and out as the two of you screamed louder. He found the right stop inside you and continued to hit it with every thrust. 

You buried your finger nails into his back and tried to not pass out, it felt like you were in heaven.

-"Fred" You moaned out as you reached your climax. The feeling exploding through you like a firework

-"I'm almost there baby." He groaned as you felt his warm cum inside you. 

When the two of you had recovered from the heavy breathing Fred said:

-"You really have a daddy-kink, don't you?" You laid on his chest listening to his heart beating. 

-"Haha yes sir, I do. Is it a problem?" He was still sweaty and you drew lines with your fingers on his abs. 

-"No, I've never met someone with bigger daddy issues than you, but for sure I can be your daddy." You both laughed and not long after that you fell asleep on his chest, matching Freds breathing.

One more night - Fred Weasley X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now