✴Part 10 - A different breed

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To your surprise the common room was empty. A few red plastic cups lied on the floor and the space looked so different in the sunlight. Hermione sat down in front of the fireplace, there was no fire so you didn't understand why she chose that place. You sat down beside her and she looked at you with big eyes. 

-"What?" You looked back at her.

-"Hello, tell me!" Hermione changed her position to face you and she felt like a kid on Christmas. It felt unnatural cause she usually didn't like to hear about your sex-life. You looked around the big room, to the boys corridor and up the stairs. You couldn't see if there was someone up there but it was the girls space so you didn't really care.

You took a deep breath before telling Hermione about yesterday: the drinking, the smoking, blowing him and then following along to his room. His soft skin and dominant side. But you left out the details about the daddy-kink. The storytelling made your stomach flutter and a wetness grew under your panties. 

Hermione just looked at you with a focused look, she said:

-"Wow, that's... intriguing. I wish Ron would do things like that." She covered her mouth like she just had said something illegal. You just laughed and said:

-"The Weasleys are a different breed." 

-"Yes, they definitely are." Hermione continued to talk about her time with Ron. It felt like she was more comfortable to talk about dirty things now that you had unraveled a very detailed night. All of a sudden you changed the subject:

-"Do you know what happened to Harry yesterday, after he changed clothes? He was acting weird."

-"Oh, I'm not sure. He went to his room as Ron showed me his own. And after that I didn't see him. Why?" Hermione looked worried.

-"Me and Fred met him when we left the party and he looked so.. freshly fucked." The lack of better words made Hermione giggle. 

-"Maybe he met Cho on his way back." She answered sarcastically but quickly added:

-"Or Malfoy..." The two of you laughed like never before. You didn't even realize that you weren't alone anymore until familiar hands grabbed your shoulders from behind.

As you turned around you saw George, Ron, Oliver and two other students sitting on the sofas behind you. They must've just come back from quidditch-practice cause they all wore similar team shirts. Hermione stood up from her place and went to sit down with Ron, he looked at her with bright eyes.

You turned around to look up at Fred, he was standing tall in front of you as you still sat down. His usually soft skin was wet of sweat, matching the feeling in your pants. 

-"Hey, what's up?" He said in his normal calm voice, like he was just any other guy. 

-"Not much, how was practice?" You asked him in the same quiet tone. Fred squatted to get down to your level.

-"Sorry love, what did you say?" A deep desire was hiding in his voice.

-"Ehm, how was practice?" The confidence that usually made you company was gone. This fucking boy, he did something to you that you didn't like. 

-"It was exhausting, I'm kind of hung over. The team was not happy when I was late." He looked over to Oliver who was listening to your conversation. Fred smiled ironically and then looked back at you. He asked:

-"How are you feeling today?" His words was so gentle yet so seductive.

-"I'm alright, I had a great time yesterday." You could barely even hear yourself, your voice was so low. Fred moved even closer to hear you.

-"I also had a good time. You're so loud in bed but so quiet now." You moved your hand through his wet hair, and looked at him with a burning look. The sudden urge to show your confident side grew and his eyes delayed as your words hit him:

-"I see you still need that shower, Love"


A/n - Hi guys. Thanks for all the reads, I hope you enjoy the story so far. If you have any suggestions or opinions feel free to comment. xoxo <3 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2020 ⏰

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