☁Part 6 - Flowing on Clouds

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The view was as perfect as usual. A lot of things had changed in life the last year but the feeling of standing on top of the astronomy tower never did.

The cold wind brushed your wet hair and the coldness felt nice against your still sweaty skin.

Fred had left to get the joints from his room but it felt delightful to be alone for a little while. You went out on the balcony to take in the mighty landscape.

You must've gotten lost in your somewhat sober thought because you jumped when you felt two arms sneak around your waist.

His veiny hands were warm and it made you melt. He laid his chin on your shoulder to admire the view with you. Your hands wandered to his and you felt safe.

Men, or more specific boys, had never made you feel much more than a nice orgasm. The thought about you being gay or maybe even asexual had struck you more than one. But Fred was not like anyone else.

He made you feel weirdly calm, like flowing on clouds. You didn't even know him. You told yourself to shake it off, you blamed it on the alcohol.

-"It's perfectly alluring, isn't it?" You broke the silence.

-"Oh classy Y/N coming here with words like alluring, fancy." Fred could make fun of any situation without it being awkward.

You laughed and turned around to meet his face. He had a joint behind both his ears, looking good as hell. The typical Fred-smirk grew and his eyes became a shade darker.

-"Do you trust me?" Fred asked. You could feel his breath, was that peppermint?

-"Uhm do you want me to be honest?" What was this about?

-"Just answer." Fred said quickly

-"I guess so?" You answered just a confused.

-"Close your eyes and hold my arm tight." Fred said

-"If this is an attempt to make me touch your non existent biceps then i don't want it." You said as you closed your eyes and did as you were told. Fred was breathing heavily.

A sudden lift caused you to let out a small scream.

-"Shhh, save that for later." Fred said close to your ear. You felt his strong arms clench as he lifted you up on the railing of the balcony. Your eyes were still closed. The metal railing was cold against your bottom and your fear of falling caused you to hold on tighter to him.

The wind went right through the back of your top and with your heart in your mouth you opened your eyes meeting his. He had his arms around your torso to prevent you from falling backwards. He knew exactly what to do to make you feel insane.

-"I'm flying Fred."

-"Come Josephine in my flying machine, going up she goes." Your eyes were locked together and bodies holding tight onto each other.


You sat next to each other on the staircase and Fred gave you a joint, you put if between your lips and he lightened it for you.

The well known flavor and feeling entered your lungs while you took a deep breath. It was a long time ago since you smoked this good pot. You took a few more smokes causing you to feel light-headed.

-"Calm down Y/N, no need to rush." Fred had caught you and you felt the caring vibe he produced combine with the euphoric side effect from the smoke. It was indescribable.

After a few minutes you were both sitting on the staircase laughing about a bird flying past the tower.

You didn't have to think about anything, no yesterday, no today, no tomorrow - just now. What was even time? An object pressing you to make bad decisons?

Fred looked at you and asked:

-"What are you thinking about miss Y/L/N?"

-"Do you think we have a purpose here in life? Or is it all just meaningless?" Your statement caused him to fall into his own toughts and after an unknown time he answered:

-"Why must there be a purpose, can't you choose your own?"

-"Yeah i guess, but how do you know if it's the right thing. Do you get a reward from God or some shit when your figure it out?" You looked at Fred, his eyes were once again red. Probobly the same colour as yours.

-"If you're lucky God will meet you in person and give you a golden ticket to heaven." You both laughed but then Fred said in a serious tone:

-"But I think you just know when it's right, like a gut feeling." He was cute when he was deep

-"Maybe you're right."

One more night - Fred Weasley X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now