Chapter 22

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Song of the Chapter : bury a friend by Billie Eilish

Hero's POV

     Tonight is the death eater event. Not going to lie, I'm super anxious. What does The Dark Lord want us to know? I'm willing to get my hands dirty if I need to, but killing good people will never be in my blood. Let's just hope this event goes smoothly.

     Due to the fact that this event is secretive and bad news, I can't get ready in my dorm. I can't really get ready anywhere at Hogwarts. Narcissa told me it would be best if I joined her at Malfoy Manor. My dress is there with her anyways. Plus, she's really nice company.

     I manage to get out of Hogwarts without anyone asking questions. Most of the Slytherin are studying for finals so it was a lot easier than I expected. Draco didn't tell me where he was going but I know he left before me. I assume he's with Lucius.

        "Are you ready for tonight?" Narcissa asks me as we walk up the stairs of the manor.

            I shrug my shoulders. "I just don't really know what to expect..."

          "No one does really," She informs me. "We never have events like this."

      Her words make my stomach twist. They've never had an event like this before? Does that mean something serious is happening?

      Narcissa notices the concern in my face. "Just try to keep your head down and you should be just fine."


       I spent a little over an hour on my hair and makeup, it's pretty much what I do everyday; face makeup with a simple cat eye. The lipstick I put on is a dark wine red shade which really makes me look five years older. Narcissa did my hair thankfully. She put it in a low bun and pulled some hairs out in the front to curl. I've never seen myself this way but I think I like it. I feel powerful.

       "I'm going to finish getting ready, go ahead and put your dress on. We should be leaving soon."

     I smile and nod. My dress is hanging from the outside of her wardrobe. I gently pull the bag off and take one long look at the dress.


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      "I told you that one would look incredible." Narcissa walks back into the room. She looks twice as beautiful. It's very obvious where Draco gets his good looks.

       "Thank you again, for everything." I turn to her and smile.

        "Oh don't thank me!" She chuckles. "I never had a daughter so I enjoy it."

     Narcissa and I head downstairs to the main foyer where Lucius and Draco stand waiting patiently. The two of them each have on their normal black suits. Once I get to the last step Draco turns my way. His eyes grow big as he slowly looks me up and down.

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