Chapter 1

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I dedicate this story to the boy who had my heart, but never came to claim it.

Bunker Hill - Red Hot Chili Peppers

I had always enjoyed taking the bus. It made me feel independent from my parents. I could go wherever I wanted, whenever I wanted to (with their permission of course) and I would be in control of it, sort of.

It was a beautiful idea. I enjoyed using the bus up until a few weeks ago.

I saw someone I did not expect to see. He didn't see me, however, but then again he never does.

I had always felt like I was the only one putting any effort into the relationship that we "had" and we weren't even dating. We still aren't and we most probably never will, but I am OK with that now.

It took a long time, but now I can finally look and him and feel nothing, I can think about him and the butterflies don't start fluttering and can live my life and not wonder what he is doing.

Let me tell you, it is great! I haven't felt this way in a long time and I have no plans to end this feeling of elation.

Toni and I took the same bus; we were in the same class too. Because of this we grew quite close over the years. She was my best friend. I felt like I could tell her everything and I did because I trusted her.

It was just another day on the bus, nothing out of the ordinary, until she said those words that would change my, partially.

"I'm taking a new bus."

I was gobsmacked!

Toni had lived in the same house for the past five years and as far as I knew they had no plans to move so this came as a real shock.

"Why are you taking a new bus?" I asked.

"Gee, that's such an obvious question! It's not like I'm moving or anything! Seriously though, Jasmine, you've got to think." She replied sarcastically.

I carried on a little irritated by her sarcasm.

 "Ok fine. Which bus are you going to take from now one?"

"The 421, so on the bright side, we'll still both come to the same station, we just won't be taking the same bus anymore." I relaxed a little.

We both took the 427, but at least we'd still both come to the same station. The bus stopped and we got off.

"So when are you going to move?" I asked.

"Tomorrow." She said casually. I actually stopped walking.

"You've known for all this time that you were going to move and leave me alone to take the 427 all by myself and you didn't tell me?"

"Hey," she started, "the 427 is crowded as hell. It's much emptier on the other side and that's how I like it!" I rolled my eyes.

"Be careful. If you roll your eyes enough times they will fall out of their sockets." She teased. I merely pulled a face at her and rolled by eyes about ten more times.

Her nonsense can be a little much at times, but I will always love her. The bus came surprisingly quickly and we were both a little shocked. Usually the bus is late and full, but I was just happy that a bus had come. We boarded it together for the last time and spent the whole ride in silence.

We would never do this again, I realized, but I was unfazed by the realization. It was the hump of the week and as I would get over the hump I would get over this, eventually.

A single rose could be my garden, a single friend could be my world.

-Leo Buscaglia

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