Chapter 3

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Was It All Worth It - Queen


Terence attended Morgan High. Terence Gordon, the boy that I was madly in love with, or so I thought.

You see, I believe that love is real and when it is experienced if it is the real deal, both parties feel it. He clearly did not feel it, so it was not real, right?

His father teacher was a teacher at Morgan, English I think it is. It's funny to me, because as far as I know, his father is an Afrikaans man, so I don't know what he's doing teaching English. Apparently he's a good teacher and since I've never been taught by him I really can't judge.

I walked into the school with the team.

We agreed to "walk as one" so that we could be seen as more intimidating than what we actually were.

We were going for the pride of lions look, but we probably came off as a kindle of kittens.

"Try and look as fierce as possible!" joked Andre, the head of the team.

He was the only person on the team who knew the most random of things which made him our strongest component. He was also our biggest joker.

 I smiled, but still looked around. I didn't want to be seen by him, nor did I want to see him. I'd been to that school before and I hadn't seen him, but those were three lucky times (or three strikes rather).

Luck runs out and I needed as much luck as possible.

"Don't worry," whispered Shannon, "I've got my lucky rabbits' foot and I found a four leaf clover yesterday, we're sure to win this!" she smiled, but I was horrified!

"Why in heaven's name do you have a rabbit's foot?" I whispered loudly. She chuckled like I'd just told her the funniest joke ever.

"It's not a real rabbit. I had a stuffed rabbit when I was growing up, however someone feed it to the dog as a practical joke." She stopped, looked me dead in the eyes and tensed up. "It was not funny. At all." She calmed down a little. "Well any ways, all that was left of the rabbit was its right foot. Now, I'm right handed and it was the rabbit's right foot, it was just screaming 'good luck'. So I sewed up the foot and now I keep and use it as a good luck charm. It only really works like sixty percent of the time, but I'll take what I can get."

I laughed, but she rolled her eyes at me playfully.

We walked into the hall as fiercely as we possibly could.

I saw three students, two girls and one boy. This did not make any sense. You need four people on a team. We had Andre, Shannon, Ruan and I, but where was their fourth mate. I looked up and that's when I saw him, their fourth player and it was Terence.

He seemed taller, broader and his hair was turning blonde because of the sun, which is a shame because he's really hot as a brunette and I don't think that the blonde hair will do him much justice, but only time will tell.

He was more muscular than he had been before and was definitely tanner. I looked up into his eyes.


His eyes were hazel. I loved eyes but in the time that we had "spent" together I had never gotten a good look at his eyes. I kept wondering, but I couldn't remember what colour his eyes were. As far as I knew they were either brown or green, nothing out of the ordinary, but I didn't think that they were hazel. Though his eyebrows were on point and his lashes were long, but I could not get over his eyes. They were sparkling and we weren't even in direct sunlight! Suddenly, the only knowledge I had was about his body and face. I wanted it.

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