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Little White Lies - One Direction

You and I - One Direction

U.N.I - Ed Sheeran

Shirtsleeves - Ed Sheeran

I'm A Mess - Ed Sheeran

Ready To Run - One Direction

Once In A Lifetime- One Direction

Terence was right, she was crazy and I thought that he was lying, but he was right. That voice note that she had played me was definitely real, but it didn’t sound like it was from lover to lover. It sounded more like it should be taken to inspire someone to leave you alone. She was so full of it.

I rubbed my cheek. Man, that girl could slap. I wondered if she had ever slapped Terence. Nah, I get the feeling that she doesn’t do much slapping.

I stormed into the hall looking for Terence when I heard something. It was the DJ.

“Okay you crazy kids! The next song that will be played is a dedication to a Jasmine Kenward, wherever and whoever you are, someone was thinking of you when they wrote this down!”, then Don’t by Ed Sheeran started playing. Really, she taught that this song would hurt me.

Don’t is a song about an already established couple, however some started cheating and was caught. The song should be played to someone to make them feel guilty, but I had no guilt. If anything, she should be the one feeling guilty after all she had decided to ruin my and her night.

What was her problem? Terence and I weren’t even a “proper” couple, we were just two people who had attended a high school dance together.

I know that a lot of people would just sit around and be mad about her, but all I could think about was what makes her act like that? Did she have some sort of horrible experience? Is she mentally healthy? I cannot just get mad at her because I honestly, have no idea what she’s been through or what could have provoked this. In the end, I guess just feel sorry for her. I really hope that she can find someone. Someone who will love her so much that she will question if she actually deserves all of their love and maybe she doesn’t, but how often do we get things because we deserve them or don’t get things because we deserve them.

Regardless of whether or not she deserves it, anyone who wants love deserves it.

Next was Kim by Eminem. Ok so this song stung a little. This song is just plain brutal. I actually heard that after Eminem’s wife heard the song she tried to commit suicide. Was that what she wanted, she wanted me to try and kill myself? Maybe she didn’t, maybe she was saying “If I don’t kill you when I’m through with you then you’ll kill yourself” or maybe she was just saying that she wanted to kill me. There were so many possible messages.

 I had to go outside for some air. I sat on the step and decided to re-evaluate my life, but it didn’t take long. I couldn’t concentrate, thoughts kept flowing through my mind.

It wasn’t long before Terence joined me. How had he found me? Did he interrogate Katherine? Whatever, I was just glad that he was there. As he sat down, I felt the warmth as it radiated off his body. It was as though everything had just gotten a little better, the stars were a little brighter and the moon was fuller. Life was better.

“I’ve been looking for you for half the night.” He said with a smile and he laughed; it wasn’t funny so I simply smiled.

Why was he laughing? It seemed like he was laughing because he was nervous. Why would he be nervous? Had he really been with Katherine?

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