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Save The Population - Red Hot Chili Peppers

Soul To Squeeze - Red Hot Chili Peppers

Don't Forget Where You Belong - One Direction

Change My Mind - One Direction

Strong - One Direction

Truly Madly Deeply - One Direction

Little Bird - Ed Sheeran

Nina - Ed Sheeran

Tenerife Sea - Ed Sheeran

Cadillac Song - Ariana Grande

Gotta Be Starting Somethin' - Michael Jackson

The dance ended at 12pm, but because Mr Gordon taught at Morgan, we could only leave at 1am.

He had volunteered to supervise the cleaning of the hall and to help along with some other teacher. Who does that, volunteer? He must either have a really pure heart or nothing to do, then again he might have ulterior motives, but he’s such a nice man, I really can’t see him hurting anyone.

I stayed hidden from Terence the entire time; at first I just wandered around the school, but after doing that for some time it became boring so I decided to hide in his dad’s car.

Don’t get me wrong, the school is huge and very interesting, but you can’t wander forever, not when you have a place to go.

His dad car was comfortable. It was one of those cars that you could fall asleep in once they turned it on. It was just comforting and welcoming. I couldn’t put it into words. It was also pristine. The car was spotless, but in a comforting manner. There was a blanket in the backseat and it smelled like cinnamon. That’s my third favourite scent, right behind lavender and vanilla.

But, before I had even begun to sleep, I was sitting in the backseat. I stayed there and I thought and thought until my head hurt, and then I let nothing cross my mind. It was pleasant for while it lasted, but all I could do was sit there and yearn for Terence. What had I done? And why had I done it? This is when I fell asleep.

I only woke when they got to the car. Though I didn’t hear them opening the door, I heard them shut it, at least one of the doors. It was Terence’s’. He had slammed his door shut and it woke me up instantly. So he was still angry.

I thought about saying something, but I decided against it. The tension in the air was thicker than the smoke that comes out of Koeberg and I’m sure that Mr Gordon wanted to get rid of it all.

He tried sparking up a few conversations, but no one was really in the mood to speak. Even he really didn’t want to say anything. He turned on the radio and played the jazz station. The tension lessened, but it never really fully went away.

Then Mr Gordon started talking about something serious.

“Listen Jasmine, there is no way that I can drive you home tonight, I’m too tired, but don’t worry, I’ve already spoken to your parents they can’t pick you up and it would be irresponsible to let you take the bus home at this ungodly hour so they agreed that you should sleep over, however you need to be home early tomorrow morning.”

I was a little shocked when I heard this. My parents never would have let me sleep over at a boy’s house, they weren’t even comfortable letting me sleep over at a friends’ who had a brother. They had probably given him some strict instructions about y sleeping arrangements.  

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