Escape from Chorh-Gom Prison

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The movie begins with the main logo titles just as:

First, we see the Regular Universal Logo in 2020.

Then we open up with a new logo, where we heard the sweet Chinese Music, where we see a 2D animated Master Shifu siting on the Crescent Moon, as he hold a Fishing Rod and Hoist up The Dreamworks Animation Logo.


We then dissolve the Dreamworks Animation Logo with Snow Flake effects, then we see the viewing of Chorh-Gom Prison. Where it is cold and Blustery in the high mountains of snow. As we heard the Mysterious music as we begin our story.


We then cut to the entrance of Chorh-Gom Prison, as the gates open, then we enter inside the hallway of Chorh-Gom Prison, where big strong Rhinos Guards are guarding the place from top to bottom.

Then we cut in this scene where two Rhino Guards are walking down the stairs, checking on the prisoners in the cell. Each of them like a Nasty Wolf, The Wu Sisters, A Gorilla Bandit and even Boar.

Rhino Guard 1: (To the other Guard) So, do you think, this is your first day on job?

Rhino Guard 2: Yeah, and why is that?

Rhino Guard 1: Because, Chorh-Gom Prison, Holds one of the most rarest and dangerous criminals in all of China. (As one of he prisoners gaze upon the guards in one of their cel.) They are crude, and nasty. But they use Kung Fu skill to sneak their way. And even to escape from their cell.

Rhino Guard 2: Oh, like when Tai Lung escape from Prison?

Rhino Guard 1: Yes, Exactly.

Then the Boar Punch a hole in prison door with his bear hands. Shouting
"I Am Boar!" Then he pull his hand back, and still remain in his prison cell, as the two Rhinos kept on walking down the stairs.

Rhino Guard 1: But That's not the point. The only thing that we're here is because one of us has to keep on eye out for somebody.

Rhino Guard 2: And what would that be?

Then the Rhinos stop as they look upon a very special prison door. That said "Keep Out, If You Dare". The first Rhino Guard open up the door, and he shows the Second Guard a small animal who is a Kung Fu Raccoon Lady sitting in the darkness.

Rhino Guard 1: Someone who is Master Shifu's First Student, Before Tai Lung. A woman who knows Kung Fu, but her skill is Swift and Terrible.

Rhino Guard 2: Who's that?
(As he point to the Raccoon Woman.)

Rhino Guard 1: Her name is Shang. She is the most carriages criminal that we have. Rumor has it, that she has a weekends. Listen. (Then he start to sing over to her very softly.)

Rhino Guard 1:
"All You Need is Love."
(Then Nothing)
"All You Need is..."

Then a sharp object was toss, then the Guard quickly close the door. As he was not to get killed. Then the second Guard realize something that hasn't seen before.

Rhino Guard 2: You mean, she hates mu...

Rhino Guard 1: (Then he stop him by Shushing him.) Shhh.... Don't say that word. It will make her mad. But not only that, she use a special weapon in her Kung Fu Fighting skill. She use a magic sword to slice and make a wormhole, to travel back through time and space through other dimension.

Rhino Guard 2: (Surprised) Wow.

Rhino Guard 1: (As he Lock the door and place the keys on top of the prison door.) So that's why we need to be posted, and you gonna keep a eye on her.

Rhino Guard 2: Oh. So what's happen if she does.

Rhino Guard 1: No one really knows. (Then he Accidentally dropped the keys inside Shang's cell.) But to her, it would be the end of everything. (As the Rhino Guards headed back upstairs) Even to rule all of China.

Rhino Guard 2: No! (Laughs) Maybe she wouldn't get revenge on Shifu. She is one crack out rodent.

Then suddenly we look inside Shang's Prison room, as her evil eyes open. And realize this is the day, as we heard the darken and scary and music as we go along. She whips out her tail and snatches keys. Then she ran quickly as she about to open the door with the key. Then the door open, then she chop it up with a blow out. Then she strike a Kung Fu pose. Then suddenly from up above, the Rhinos runs to the ledge and saw something terrible.

Rhino Guard 1: OH NO!!!

Rhino Guard 2: What's happening?!

They looks over the edge and they were horrified when they sees Shang at the bottom pit, where she escape her Prison Cell. They she begin to ran up the stairs in her swift moves.

Rhino Guard 1: She's escaping!!
Quick, Bring it up!
(The winch turns and the elevator starts to rise. A rhino guard tries to reach it, but just misses.)
Wait! Bring it back!

The rhinos begin to attack Shang, firing crossbow spears at her, but then with her back flip moves, she misses the crossbows, and leaping on to them, even destroying it, and the rest she kicks back up into the walls, creating a makeshift staircase. She begins making her way up the spears, towards the elevator.

Rhino Guard 2:
(To the guards) Archers!

Leaping across the spears, Shang catches the elevator, hiding under it as the volley of arrows flies down past her. The guards cut the rope and the elevator crashes back down to the bottom of the pit. The guards celebrate for a second before Shang swings up from the bottom of the elevator house and catches the guards by surprise. She grabs the chain and jumps over the edge and swings around, launching himself up to the next tier, disappearing into the shadows. Shang lands on a bridge, fights her way through hundreds of guards, finally reaching the top tier where the two main guards and the rest of the rhino army await. The Rhinos begin to charge at her, as Shang leap up against them, then she ran past them on top of their heads. Then she safely lead over and kept on running like a Raccoon animal. Then the guards starting to chase her, until she enters in the weapon archives. She close the door, with a wooden handle, then she starts to look around and gaze upon these weapons from the past. Until finally she walk toward her favorite weapon. Her special sword that transport through time and through space. As she held it up in her paws, and made a welcome greeting.

Shang: Well hello, old friend. I haven't seen you in a long time.

Then suddenly the Guards enter in as they try to stop her. But lucky Shang begin to escape pasting through them, by fighting them in her Kung Fu style with sword behind her. Then she came out of the archive and then she freeze, as the guards were coming near her. But then they stop, as Shang let out a Exploding ball in her hand. Then the Rhino Guards begin to panicked and screaming running to their lives. Then she toss the ball to them, then she use her magic sword, to slice up and created a  magic wormhole, as she said to goodbye to them.

Shang: Been seeing you. (Then she enter the wormhole, and she was gone.)


Then we cut outside, then KA-BOOM! The door blasts open and Rhinos go flying everywhere. WHUMP. The Rhinos hit the ground, while the two guards where still a shame for this.

Rhino Guard 2: (To the other Guard) For the Record, I'm blame you.


Then meanwhile we cut to another scene in mysterious music event in the wormhole, Shang Fled inside, as she about to travel to another Dimension. Then the lights flash off.

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