Saving Po And Poppy

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We then cut to the next scene where Shang and her minions of Vampire Flowers, Stone Warriors, Zombie Bergens and Giant Fauna Spider, have Po, Poppy and the rest of their friends being captive. With Po Hanging upside down on the spider web, being all tie up, and with Poppy, Viper and the rest of the 8 Trolls Friends, Biggie, Satin and Chenille, Legsly, DJ Suki, Guy and Tiny Diamond and Smidge were all lock in the cage. As Shang walk right toward to them.

Shang: (To Poppy) So pip squeak, you think that Music and Kung Fu would both try to stop me.

Poppy: I'm not a pip squeak. I'm the queen. And you better...

Shang: Well, the only that you're going to stop me, is to keep your lips sealed. And for Po, to keep his temper. So here how your old enemy die. (As she sent one of the big Vampire Flowers for order) Stand on top of this hill please.

One Vampire Flower did as she was told as he stand on top of the hill.

Vampire Flower: Ok. So now what?

Then suddenly, the hill begin to move, as it opening it mouth, and begin to eat up the Vampire Flower. Po, Poppy, Viper and their where gasps and shocked that their old enemy the Bergen Chef was eaten by a hill monster.

Poppy: Whoa. That couldn't be easy.

Biggie: Nah, I like it.

Poppy: No, it's mean like fly trap on a hill, that's why she going to kill Po, by feeding it.

Shang: Yeah, and you got that right.

So Shang order the Fauna Spider, to lower down Po, as this dramatic music begin to appear. Po was shocked and scare and would ask Shang a favor.

Po: (Scream) Wait, you don't want to do this, why don't we talk this over like, bear to rodent.

Shang: (Thinking) Hmmm, let me just think about it. (And her answer was...) No, sorry.

Po was stick shock and he notice that he was going to be doom.

Po: (As he scream for...) HELP!!!!!

Then suddenly when action music appears, and ninja throwing stars that came out of nowhere, cut the rope, Po was scream and falling, but then was rescue by tigress, as Tigress and Po both landed on the ground. Then enter in Branch, Gristle and Bridget as they strike a Kung Fu Pose as Shang and her Army.

Tiny Diamond: Riders! Just in Time!

Poppy: Branch! (As she was so happy to see him)

Shang: Oooooo. Look what we have boys. Company.

Branch: Well, my fist hunger for justice. Instead of my stomach.
So surrender now, or Justice is about to be served.

Shang: (As she got mad, she order her army to attack) Get them!

And so another fight begin as the army begin to charge them.

Branch: (To Gristle and Bridget) Gristle, Bridget, Free Poppy, Viper and the gang, till we hold them off.

King Gristle Jr: Right away.

And so another fight scene begin, with Po, Tigress, and Branch stoping and fighting Shang's Army. Branch took on the Vampire Flowers and the Stone Warriors, while Po and Tigress took on the Fauna Spiders and the Zombie Bergens. Then on the other side of the battle, Gristle and Bridget cam across the cage that Poppy, Viper and their friends were at. They unlock the door with their bare hands. Very gently.

Tigress: (To Gristle and Bridget) Guys, we're running out of time! Get it open!

Queen Bridget: We will! (As she unlock the door) Almost, got it. And there!

The door was open, and Poppy, Viper and their friends were free as they escape and cheers.

Smidge: All right!
Biggie: Whoa!
Tiny Diamond: We're out of here!
Legsly: Awesome!
DJ Suki: Let's kick some butts!

Poppy: C'mon!

Shang turn around and saw that Poppy and her friends are all free.

Shang: Noooooooo!!! (She rush to stop them, but Poppy uses her hair to grab her)

Shang was caught by Poppy's Hair, then Poppy toss Shang by letting her go, and begin to shot at her Armies. As Shang and her Minions here knock out.

Branch: (To his Recruits) All right, that's enough! Let's go!

As the Kung fu fight stop, Branch, Po, and Tigress rushes over to Poppy, Viper, and their 8 Trolls friends, as Branch uses the wormhole seed and created a colorful wormhole as they all enter in and escape, and then they were gone. Shang and her armies got up, and notices that the good guys have escape again, now she was really mad.

Shang: This isn't over! Do you hear me! (As she use her magic sword to slice and create her own wormhole as she is plotting her payback) Not by a long shot!

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