The Trolls in Another World

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The scene cut to a farm in Po's World, where two people, A rabbit and a duck. Nearby, a white explosion appears. The two farmers walk closer to the dissipated explosion and see that it wasn't Kai like the last time, it was the 10 Trolls from the Troll World as they finally made it. Branch, Poppy, DJ Suki, Biggie, Satin and Chenille, Legsly, Guy and Tiny Diamond and Smidge were laying on the ground being alive and panting from all this running.

A Farmer Rabbit: (The Farmers thinks they where scare as a goose lay a egg in a gasp moment, then they scream and run away from their lives.) AHHHHHH!!! MONSTERS! RUN, KAI IS COMING! KAI IS COMING!!!

Meanwhile back at the pit, all the 10 trolls got up and they were resting from all this madness, and explaining of what is all about.

Branch: (To his friends) Is everyone ok.

Legsly: Yeah, I'm ok.

Satin and Chenille: We're both fine now.

Biggie: (As he kept worried about his worm friend.) Oh, Mr. Dinkles. I can't believe his gone.

DJ Suki: I can't believe all of our friends our gone too.

Smidge: Yeah, we shouldn't be pancakes by now!

Guy Diamond: Yeah, and I bottom is on backward from all that running.

Tiny Diamond: And it's even not my nap time either. (To his dad) Rock me daddy. Oh that's nice.

Poppy: (To her friends) Guys, what just happen. We were all having fun at the Hair Ball, until some maniac creature showed up and destroy our festival.

Biggie: Exactly! We just got our cupcakes headed to us, by the worst party crasher ever in the history of all party crashers!

Satin: She was scary.

Chenille: And a lot worse the Bergen Chef was.

Satin and Chenille: Cause all of our Trolls colony are being captive.

DJ Suki: We gonna go back there and fight!

Legsly: What, that's will be dangerous. We would be kill by her giant sharp stick.

Smidge: Yeah, you saw the size of those goons, they are very tougher than the hard rock trolls were.

Tiny Diamond: Do you really think, you wanna go back and face them.

Guy Diamond: (Autotune) No, for that we're doomed!

During that moment, as the soft music appears, Poppy look at Branch, while he was not in the group, he was standing alone thinking about something, so Poppy walk toward him explaining the problem.

Biggie: (Offscreen) So now what, we can't hide here forever. And let's be honest, we can't go back. Look of what that big witch done to the other Trolls and even my friend, Mr. Dinkles.

Poppy: (To her husband) Branch, is there something wrong?

Branch: (Finally Branch begin to speak) A Master?

Poppy: (Confused) What?

Branch: A Master Named Oogway. The Valley of the Peace. (As Branch and Poppy both turn around and explain this to the 8 Trolls) Hey, Guys! I been thinking of something during this party crashed. Queen Essence told Cooper and Prince D to find the Master, who's name is Oogway. Who's lives in the Valley of Peace. And they wanted him to send help by others, which is the Lands of the Pans.

Guy Diamond: The Land of the Pans?

Tiny Diamond: Valley of the Peace?

Satin and Chenille: Oogway?

Branch: Since Cooper and his Brother failed, he and his family are stone cold death. Unless, they would help by other helpers in another dimension. Cooper can't, but we have to.

Poppy's Friends: What?

Branch: This master as she said, he could be very wise. Like a another Troll.

Guy Diamond: You mean we're in this another world, so we can find some other trolls.

DJ Suki: Or even other creatures, that we never met.

Biggie: Like Lions...

Legsly: ...Tigers...

Tiny Diamond: ...and Bears?

Satin and Chenille: Oh May!

Branch: There is somewhere south, right over there. We have to find this Master, and find his special helpers that he visit.

Guy Diamond: But that means we would have to travel to the other side.

Tiny Diamond: Like this will be very scary.

Smidge: And a panelist adventure that we will never return?

Branch: Not quite, It's our only hope to save our Trolls colony again. (To his wife) Poppy, what would you said.

Poppy: I say, we should have to go to The Valley of Peace.

Biggie: With all of us together.

Satin and Chenille: Oh, we're not even pack yet!

Poppy: I know you're scared. And no Troll ever want to go to a new place. Much as Branch And I did when we try to untie the Troll World with our spirit of music. But Branch and I have to find this Master Oogway, he maybe our only hope.

So Branch and Poppy left their friends behind to find this legendary master, as they got out of the pit. But Poppy and Branch's Friends have made Their decisions too, as 8 of the trolls stop them and agrees to come along too.

Biggie: Well, if you wanted to go, then I'll go. For Mr. Dinkles.

DJ Suki: And for all of us. Cause we got you cover girl.

Satin and Chenille: Yeah, count us in.

Legsly: Me too!

Guy Diamond: (Autotune) I'm going along too!

Tiny Diamond: Me too. It will be much fun for risking all of our lives!

Smidge: Yeah, All for one and one for all.

Branch and Poppy: (Then the two were glad at there friends) Thanks, Guys.

And so our 10 brave Trolls heroes were on their way to find the Valley of Peace  and to find the legendary Master Oogway. And along they way when they came out of the pit, they Discuss of how they're going to meet him.

Tiny Diamond: So this Master Oogway. What's he look like.

Legsly: Probably a troll just like us.

Smidge: Oh my guh!

Biggie: Or maybe he is the first father of King Peppy.

Poppy: Well we won't know it till we sing on to find him.

Branch: Oh Boy.

Poppy: (Singing)
"Wake Up,
It's a lovely day,
It's the perfect day..."

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