Chapter 17

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He awoke to the sun shining through the tent's opening and directly into his eyes, the warm golden light nearly blinding him. Alastor began to get up but groaned at the stinging pain in his right arm. Then the memories of the previous night came flooding back. The boar that had attacked him, the warlock healer who tended his wounds, riding through the night to escape the king's guards and the panic he had felt for- Wait... Where is she? His head whipped around searching for his companion. His rescuer. He chuckled, remembering her bandaging his cuts, and cursing at him in a foreign language. She's a lot stronger than I first gave her credit. She amazes me a little more each day. He got up, pulling on his boots and stretched outside the tent, only to instantly regret it. His left leg trembled beneath him and he stumbled. Alastor let out a curse, getting Rae's attention from where she had been busy cooking over a fire.

"Careful!" She scolded him as though he were a child, and guided him over to a stump near the fireside. "How are you feeling today?" Her fingers gingerly rolled up his shirt sleeve and trailed over the bandage. He winced a little at the pressure, causing her to pull away in worry that she'd hurt him.

"I'm fine!" Alastor insisted, holding her hand. "I'm feeling a lot better," Rae nodded with relief and returned to her previous task, leaving his grasp. For some reason, the act made him feel cold, but he ignored it. "What are you making?" He asked.

"Some barley porridge with a sweet broth. Syn was also able to help me find some elderberries and hickory nuts!" She stirred the pot, sending up wafts of its delicious smell.

"You continue to impress me with your talents every day." He complimented as she served up two bowls.

"Thank you," Rae smiled and tossed some extra berries over to their feathered friend, who happily ate them. "I also fed the equinn already." Alastor nodded, but found himself feeling a little guilty.

"I'm sorry I didn't wake earlier, I would've helped with all the morning tasks!"

"No, it's good that you rested, you need to focus on healing right now. Besides, I guarantee if you had risen the same time as me I'd have just sent you straight back to bed!" Rae laughed, and Alastor couldn't help but smile. Then he remembered something.

"We didn't get the information from Lunhaven! Hell if it wasn't for my injuries you wouldn't be in this mess..." He set down his bowl and hung his head in shame, then felt a gentle hand on his forearm.

"Actually..." He looked up to see her smiling. "Yvaine- the warlock healer, she was the woman we were looking for! She told me everything she knew-"

"Are you serious?! Talk about a stroke of luck!" Alastor leapt to his feet with a new found energy, and swept her into his arms. "Rae you're amazing! What did she tell you?" He looked down at her to see her face flushed and red with embarrassment. "Oh- sorry!" He released her from his hug and sat back down. Does she not like hugs or something..?

"Ehem.. I- it's fine," She tucked a strand of brown hair behind her ear, still refusing to meet his gaze. "Yvaine was able to tell me that we could find the dryads someplace sandy, beyond the forest, but that's all she remembered... I don't suppose you know of any place like that?" Finally she looked up.

"I don't think so... But it seems like we should just keep heading south and maybe pick up new maps if we encounter any more towns."

"It might be best to stay away from public spaces for now. Last night was a close call. Too close..." He nodded and Rae got up to finish cleaning the space, leaving him to his thoughts. I may not know where that place is, but Urmaug might... I don't think I'd be welcome there though... He pushed away the memories and went to go assist Rae, but found her kneeling by the river.

Astraea - The Lost Crown - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now