Chapter 11

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 "Let us be clear of one thing," Dreyana began. "I know, you know about the dryads, so there's no use trying to lie-"

"Oh oracle, I have no use to lie to you. Fabrications serve nothing to me given our current situation. I have you exactly where I want you, and soon, you'll be gone from this plane of existence forever." Lucian smiled with a cruel satisfaction. Dreyana heaved a long sigh,

"Then tell me... How did you learn about them? Almost every archive has been banned."

"Yes, almost every archive." He sat down again. "Are you aware of who was responsible for that treaty?"

"King Abrigor... You're great grandfather if I'm not mistaken." She lowered her head in disappointment as she began to understand what she hadn't so many years before. "He wrote about them, didn't he..? He banned every other source, except his own..." I could've prevented this... I should have stolen the archives..! All those years ago, they were hidden right under my nose! And yet even when I had my eyes I was too blind to see how futile it was to try and save him. Perhaps I did deserve my fate...

"Precisely!" He gloated. "The old man was as paranoid as they come though, so mind you it wasn't easy for me to find them! Fact is, I stumbled upon them by accident. Then of course the search for the blasted hunk of metal took a toll on me... Nearly drove me to the same fate as Abrigor."

"And how did you find the crown..? Send all your soldiers to do your dirty work?"

"Heavens know those imbeciles can't be trusted enough with information like that." Lucian grunted.

"And I can?" Dreyana countered. The king met her gaze with a masked expression.

"Your damn hands creep me out," He dodged the question. "And how and where I found it isn't your true concern, is it? No... You want to know if I've discovered how to use it!"

"And have you?"

"Let's just say your little errand elf is already doing the work for me..." Lucian grinned. A pit dropped in her stomach. No... He couldn't have figured it out! Could he..? He can't know she's the key!

"You'll never get away with it!" Dreyana couldn't contain her anger any longer. "She'll never lead you to them!"

"So she really is the key then?!" He laughed madly. "You just gave me all the confirmation I needed!" Lucian turned and began striding triumphantly back down the hall.

"W- wait! Please! If you'll indulge my curiosity just once more, I have one last question..." She tried desperately to calm her voice. The king stopped in his tracks and slowly turned around with a scowl. She continued, dispelling the qualms that raged inside her. "Why are you so afraid to die..?"

"Death is a punishment designed to destroy the weak... Only those who are strong enough may survive it." As he stormed away, he mumbled something under his breath. Perhaps it was just her imagination, but Dreyana could have sworn he said, And I'm not strong enough to face her again... His steps eventually faded, leaving Dreyana alone with her thoughts. What if I made everything worse..? He said it himself, I confirmed his suspicions! I should have dissuaded him! Astraea, Alastor you need to hurry, and take caution to prying eyes! If only I could get a message to them..! She tried sparking a spell with her freed hands, but her attempts were in vain. Those damn cuffs have been draining my magic! Suddenly she heard more steps approaching from down the hall. She raised her left hand, trying to peer into the darkness.

"Who's there?" She demanded. "Show yourself!" She desperately tried again to cast a spark, something- anything to flare up a spell. Finally, an elderly man with a long gray beard from under a hooded cloak, stepped out from the shadows, and stopped in front of her cell.

"Is that any way to treat an elder warlock..?" His intent was indecipherable.

"Who are you..?" She cautiously raised her hand to get a better look at his face.

"Do you really not remember me?" His voice was stone cold, and eerily familiar.

"No..!" The traumatic memories flooded her brain. The screams echoing inside her. "No! No! Why have you come here?!" She shrank away from him. "Did he send you to finish the job?!" Dreyana spat at him. "You're a disgrace to warlocks!" She was blinded with rage and terror. The anthripe who took her eyes stood before her. "Halphus Forelyn!"

"I'm glad to know removing your eyes didn't affect your memory."

"Have you no remorse for what you did to me?!" Her voice trembled.

"I was merely following orders."

"How could you even work for him?!"

"Because he offers me what no other could. In ways that he doesn't even know," He stated flatly. "An insurance policy..."

"Why is everyone so concerned with death..?" She chuckled bitterly. Finally she dignified him with a response. "What do you mean by an insurance policy..?"

"The king was so desperate to have a blood heir with that infertile wench you call Queen-"

"She will never be my queen." Dreyana interrupted venomously.

"Hmm," Halphus smirked. "On that, we can agree..." The old warlock sat down on the wooden chair with a look of nostalgia in his hazel eyes. "It was probably my finest spell yet... The creation... Of false life..!"

"But that goes against every source of magic known on Terrath- Why would you-?"

"Ah-ah!" He silenced her. "All will be revealed soon enough..." Halphus then bent down to fetch her other cuff and made a gentle grab for her left wrist. But upon grasping it, he froze. His eyes glazing over as he witnessed a vision. Suddenly he stumbled back in horrified shock, the cuff tumbling to the ground with a loud and echoing cla-clunk! "I- Impossible..! You can't be... You're supposed to be dead!"

"And soon I will be- I suppose it was meant to be my fate a long time ago..." She bowed her head solemnly. "There's no point in telling anyone, Halphus. I'm no longer that same girl. The memory of her died long ago."

Astraea - The Lost Crown - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now