Chapter 9

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"So... This, is the elusive oracle that helped them escape?" King Lucian stalked back and forth in front of the cell, then paused. He crouched down and stared at her. With a quick flash of movement, he ripped off her hood and she cowered away in fear. "Come here!" He growled, and yanked her chained wrists up to the bars. "Remove the cuff. Just one." He ordered.

"Sir, what..?" The second tier guard known as Markus hesitantly approached him. "It- It took all 7 of us to restrain her at the abandoned station! We shouldn't free-"

"DO IT!" His voice boomed, and the guard flinched.

"Y- yes sir!" With shaking hands he fumbled for the keys. The guard krept forwards, visibly shivering. King Lucian wrenched the key from his grasp, annoyed at his cowardice. He unlocked the gauntlet that cuffed her left hand and it fell to the stone floor with a heavy clunk..! That echoed through the dungeon. She slowly outstretched her hand, revealing her eye.

"Ahhh... I thought I remembered you..." With calloused fingers he stroked her palm just above the squinted eye that sat in its center. Her pupil looked away. "Tell me. Can you still see with them?" Dreyana's lip trembled as she remembered the torturous night when it happened. "ANSWER ME!"

"Y- yes!" She cried out. Her eyes squinted shut as her hands trembled. "Yes I still see..."

"And... Can you feel pain in them..?" His finger approached the eyelid and slowly began to apply pressure.

"Yes..!" Dreyana squirmed, desperate to pull her hand free.

"Fascinating." He withdrew. "Whoever healed you did quite the impressive job. Halphus really had been so careless with the task. I admit I began to wonder if you had even survived! I suppose I could have ordered him to be more gentle with the extraction and sewing process. But... Where's the fun in that?" He chuckled. "Your screams must've been heard for miles outside the castle! I'm sure you understand my need for the violence? An important message really. After that, all anthripes would think twice about pulling the stunt you tried..."

"I was just trying to warn you!" She pleaded, holding her free hand close to her chest.

"Warn me?! Three years ago you broke into my castle claiming you saw visions of my death, and the destruction of my throne! You threatened the entire kingdom! You're lucky I let you live!" He spat in her face like a venomous snake, his expression contorted into one of malice.

"I'm sorry..." Dreyana whispered.

"Is that all you can say?" He scoffed. "Lowlife anthripe scum can't even beg for their lives properly."

"Thank you..." She gritted her teeth. "For your generosity..." Yvaine was right... He's too far gone... He's only changed for the worst even after all my attempts to prevent this... He doesn't deserve to go on like this... The vision must be fulfilled... And I'll buy you as much time as I can, Rae and Alastor... King Lucian had stood up again and continued his pacing back and forth past her cell. She studied him cautiously with her left hand. Then he pulled a wooden chair forward from the wall and sat down, his elbow on his knee, creating a rest for his chin.

"What did you tell them..?" He asked slowly.


"The halfbreed and oryxitral. Surely the reason they came to you was for some 'answers'." Dreyana hesitated for a moment.

"Would telling you even change anything..?"

"It might just save your life..." He growled, his breath hot and stinking on her face.

"How about a trade..?" Dreyana slowly suggested.

"You dare think you're in any position to bargain?!"

"I only seek the same as you. Information," She raised herself to her feet with some struggle. "And if I am to remain here imprisoned till death, would you, great king, consider it my final request..?" Lucian stood and paced back and forth again, mulling it over. His thoughts raging in a sea of torment. Dreyana could feel the conflicted energy pulsating off of him in dark waves.

"Fine!" He seemed to snap at his inner thoughts, trying to silence them. He stomped back to face Dreyana's cell. "What do you want to know..?"

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