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Thanks for the support of book three as promised here is book four. Please comment and put a star on it. Note who is your favorite character and why.

 Note who is your favorite character and why

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White bright lights, the smell of antiseptic, bleach and blood, the voices of many blurring in the silence, movement of cold air filling in the room as the emergency doors fly open wheeling in a bloody dark prince barely alive, holding on to the shallow reasons to live. "The patient is having trouble breathing." A nurse dressed in purple scrub shouts as they keep on moving around gathering objects and sterilized materials to help out the doctor's as they struggle to help the prince stabilize. "Pass me a 20 cc syringe now also hand me an alcohol swab." The doctor commands as he tears open Oden's shirt cleaning the area as fast as possible and driving in the syringe between the first and second intercoastal muscle the pulls out the syringe cap while another does the same on the other side. "The patient has a pleural effusion at both his lungs, left leg is completely broken and burnt at his ankle up to his tibia, cyanosis at the chest area, fingers and lips we need oxygen running at 15 mls bring in the oxygen fast, heartbeat slow but steady as per now." An intern surgeon narrates to the main surgeon fast as the rest of the group rushes to assist attaching Oden to the different machines around the bed to check on his heart rate, temperature and breathing rate too. "Does the king know of his son's whereabouts?" "Yes he has been informed by the elders children who brought him in, Arthur and Jayden." "Let's just get him to the operating room, nurse please call Dr. Adan let him know he is needed for surgery."

Dark, deep bizarre darkness that's where Oden stands at this point, the cold empty room nowhere to be known. He was definitely dead or was he alive he couldn't tell with the silence. "So this is what purgatory must look like." Of course the two last things he saw before shutting his eyes was the so called light we all claim to see in death. Still a mystery to the living of where this light heads to but when Oden opened his eyes to a dark endless hall. His mind is flooded with strange words he could barely comprehend at the moment, then a continuous beeping sound it sounded like ... like why was it familiar yet farfetched then an uncomfortable feeling of someone driving a hand towards his chest, at this point he could barely move forward instead he crouches down to the ground his hand on his chest. First pump...second pump... third pump then pump after pump he could barely count now all he could feel was a warmth slowly growing inside him solidifying his stay in their world. What was happening? After a couple of painful pumps his head clears allowing him to hear his name out loud from a voice of not Arthur, not Jayden but his enemy, the vampire that drags his sanity to insanity. "Welcome back to the land of the living my dear rival."

"What is happening? Why is he not breathing? Oden! STOP JOKING and wake up." Arthur pleads the lifeless corpse that lays upon the cold stone floor. Skin as cold as ice and blue as the sky. "What do you mean, he isn't ..... No!no!no! You can't, he can't die on us." Thecla claims as her tears flow down her peach coloured cheeks. Ever since they separated after Oriela's wedding you'd think they would forget a piece of their friendship maybe act a little less casual. That was not the case as Oden put a mark in each of them. One that they will forever keep so crying for him at this moment was the least they could do. "You are bluffing he is not dead, he is Oden..... He should be okay." Olivia tries to convince herself even though her tears betray her after stating the obvious. The dark prince is no longer in the world of the living. They were too late. 12 hours he said Oden was gone before it hit five of the so called hope they had. The group shatters at the sight of their friend.

THE REIGN OF THE BLOODY WAR CONTINUES.4 🐺 ☑️ Complete and Edited.Where stories live. Discover now