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"What?!" Yes the current situation known well to the others except the two pups in the room. Again a similar situation except this time it was tying her down to a person she was not fully intimate with leave alone love. Did he just ... No! "Ori calm down." Her mother sitting there wanting her to nod her head as normal sky rocketed her anger levels to golden glowing eyes. "No am not calming down.I want you to repeat what you just said and whose bright idea was it to ruin my life. No offense Eden and king Xander." Devon sits back seeing Oriela all worked up, bad idea to come out clean now. The oracle clears his throat preparing to speak "Princess, you need to calm down first......"

"Calm down is what you tell a patient with a deadly disease not someone who is emotionally driven to madness. You denied me finding a true mate with your grand idea of marriage, done with no questions asked, you were the one that made me put my life to a stand still to take on hard responsibilities that could cost me every strand of mental stability done, now you want me to surrender my mind, every thought, my heart, every feeling to another. I am only seventeen years old, I am not old enough to make life long decision, I still need my mom to hold me and say everything is fine even though it's a lie but do I have that anymore? Why? Because I gave it up for the sake of the people, for the sake of the kingdom, I gave up my freedom. So forgive me if I am not in the mood to give you more. EXCUSE ME!!" The princess walks out of the room devasted leaving everyone in pin drop silence shocked by the reality they refused to face. Each and everyone putting on her shoes and feel like they've walked miles. Every pain, every emotion, every hurt she feels they feel it too. "I'll go talk to her, please excuse me." Griselda states walking out of the room.

Just like she did in the past when playing hide and seek Griselda's wolf rushes towards the scent of her pup. The purple glowing coloured eyes picking up heat signatures through the dense forest spotting her at the edge of the Omegan snow forest. She slowly approaches her daughter's wolf preventing her from perceiving her as an enemy. Upon getting comfortable around each other both Mother and daughter shift back to their human self, " I am so sorry I did it again. I didn't protect you...." "Mom is this how everything around me is going to be. I grew up wanting to be like you strong and a great leader but now I just don't think I want it any more." "I know it hurts, it's not news I'd like to hear as well. I did not want this for you. I did not want you to make such a choice because I know how much you have sacrifed for us all." Oriela slowly turns to face her mother looking her straight in the eye but Griselda did not see anger or hatred expected instead she saw her little girl, the one she cared for, her baby and all she wanted to do at that moment is hug her, shower her with love.

She takes her princess into her arms all she give now is comfort for the many trials ahead. As she takes her princess into her arms all she could hear now was her cries, tired and fed up with what the universe keeps throwing at her and all she wanted more than ever was to have her daughter smile again maybe have some life in the death of her feelings. This is what was happening all over again just like Christophin Oriela was now a puppet, a weapon they use to get what they want. Unlike christophin everyone forgot she was still a pup. Unlike a gun she was a being with blood running through her veins, she had beating hearts, she was meant to live a happy life full of love and adoration and most important of all she was tender and still needed guidance. The statement about her needing her mother did not dim her as weak it only proved that deep down everyone needs the one they love most to remind them that they need to pick up the pieces of their broken life and mend it. A reminder that giving up is not an option and Griselda let her put it all on her, let her bring out the pain.She held her reminding her little princess that she is not alone in this fight even though the battle is not supposed to be for the two of them and some point she will have to let her go and face the dark on her own. For the world everyone was afraid of the dark but eventually some come out of it, some don't but one thing was common they have to do it alone.

THE REIGN OF THE BLOODY WAR CONTINUES.4 🐺 ☑️ Complete and Edited.Where stories live. Discover now