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                           "This is a palace not a charity home for every Mary, Mercy and Stella you find hanging around the streets Oden." Xander complains as he holds his head trying to wrap his head around the fact that his son brought home a unknown wolf without a second of their well being. For all he knows it could be one of the bloodhound's men. "My king, I only did what is right. Just as you did with me." Xander's heart races over the word 'my king ' the least he wanted to hear from his own son's mouth even though he clearly knows Oden could not remember his memories with him vividly. "Listen Oden you might not remember this but you are genuinely my son not some charity case, this girl I know nothing about her for all I care she could be marching in the band lead by the bloodhound." "She's not. I told you she was attacked by a rogue wolf named Navada." "And why would Navada waste his precious plotting time to chase some unknown she wolf?" "I don't know." "Exactly you don't and that reason is the same one you will give me when she betrays us." Xander moves towards his son and sits next to him calming his anger from taking a hold of him. He just needed to talk with the boy so that he could understand the dangers of strangers just like he was a young pup.

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"Listen son I am not against helping any of my people but she is from the rogue land, Navada's pack." "But her eye colour is different from the rest of them, it was emerald green just like all the rest of us." This selective amnesia was getting on Xander's nerves. Oden could remember a number of things except his name, his family, his life. It was like he wanted to forget them. No this was all the bloodhound's fault. The ploy to damage him to the point of no return once done was it's aim. "Oh really so how did she end up there?" Oden keeps quiet knowing very well Xander was right he didn't know Kyla that well, never saw her but even so, did he really know everybody he was living with, he was struggling to figure out his past life for the sake of the ones here he was just so tired. Especially the statements that followed every conversation, remember that time when, do you remember this or you will remember eventually. They weren't letting him soak in the fact that he wants to without being forced or triggered by various objects and people. so having Kyla here even for that number of minutes was no different. At least with Kyla he felt safe for he did not have someone constantly reminding him or questioning him  if he remembers anything. With Kyla everything is a fresh start.

"I don't think she's done anything worth questioning but for your sake and the kingdoms I will have her investigated." Xander stares at his son in hope to see a change of mind but nothing and deep inside he didn't want to have his son's recovery tampered with. He might be a new Oden but still has the same traits as the old Oden. He gets upset easily and this might ruin his chances of recovery. Oden is known for his keen eye meaning he doesn't just trust every he or she he meets, he is always careful so maybe having Kyla around is not an issue. "Okay fine she can stay. Oden don't go around looking for trouble you are in no shape to be going out of this palace like you did last night. You might not remember this but there was a time I had to keep guards in your room to keep you locked up, trust me when I say I can do that again." "I understand stay in doors, thank you. I will make sure she will not be trouble." Oden promises as he walks out of the room to go take a bath. Xander stands on the same spot for a while hoping deep down that Oden does not go back on his promise to keep the girl in check. He has had enough with the bloodhound as it is, he cannot add Navada to the mix.

THE REIGN OF THE BLOODY WAR CONTINUES.4 🐺 ☑️ Complete and Edited.Where stories live. Discover now