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                                  Days passed since the incident, days since Oden got lucky and beat the game of death. Unfortunately his eyes were still closed, his mind blank and his movement immobile. It was almost as if he was dead but still alive. Xander sat on a seat near his bedroom window watching his son's chest rising, slowly breathing, hoping he finally opens his eyes. After the incident he had his son brought back home with a single professional doctor to his choosing accompanied by one nurse to take care of him. With instructions they monitored him giving Xander his daily health report. So far things were clearly the same. He wanted to be there not like before when he was a baby and he wanted to get rid of him. He could remember everything that he did when he was a baby, how Oden would constantly cry in need of a parent, a parent that would comfort him but all he could think about is what he took from. That he doesn't deserve his love. He could not turn the coin and see that She gave him a gift, she died giving life to the most important person in his life, a part of her. His dark hair and silver eyes weren't a sign that he took her from rather a sign that she is near him everytime he would turn and look at him. These past things, he should forgive him yet he kept remembering it as if it was a punishment he should bare or maybe it's something he should use to never do what he did in the past.

Cute giggles as Cassandra looks out the window rubbing her overgrown belly feeling the baby play inside her like a new football field, this one was definitely a sportsman. His turns and kicks were a reminder of that wonderful feeling of the Maker's gift.

"What is it?" Xander asks as he puts his book aside getting off their large king size bed fit for royalty, walking over his happy wife

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"What is it?" Xander asks as he puts his book aside getting off their large king size bed fit for royalty, walking over his happy wife."He is moving again, it tickles." Xander moves over to her front putting his hand on her womb sharing her experience enjoying the morning greeting from the unborn pup proud of his future son. "Wow he is quite happy today, I can't wait to show him everything I know and how to be a proper leader." Cassandra kisses her husband smiling at his childish behaviour."At this rate my baby will come out a soldier instead of a squish cute little ball of fluff." "He is the next prince of the Alphas not princess of the omegas."
"No not at all."Cassandra pouts heading towards the bed away from the king.

"Cassandra why the sudden change of  mood?" Xander asks in fear of being the reason."Xander this is our son before being the prince of the Alphas I want you to treat him like a crown jewel and not like a warrior. I want you to be his father before being a king." They stay in silence for a couple of seconds before Xander walks towards the bed giving his angry wife a kiss on her forehead. "Am sorry, am also excited about our new baby I just want what's best for him. He is going to be a ruler next to his brother once we are gone or old." "I understand he is barely out the womb, right now all he needs is a father can you promise me that." "I promise I'll take good care of him and make sure to be crowned father of the year." The statements makes Cassandra laugh before she winces in pain. "Are you okay?" Xander asks standing up so first ready to pick up the next maid walking up the stairs to get a doctor. "Am okay.... He just kicked me..... Oh! My Maker it hurts." "Are you sure?....Do you need me to get you anything?" Xander asks in a very worried tone laying his left hand on her belly right next to her right hand. "Nope I think he is just as stubborn as his dad trying to prove himself to be a man before he can crawl." The two wait it out for their second born to tire himself out letting his mother rest. "That was quite an  experience. Eden was never this active even at birth. I thought I lost him until I heard his stubborn loud yell for air." The statement made him laugh letting his hazel eyes land on her grey. She was always a beauty even without an addition of accessories. His decision to marry her was never wrong. "I love you Cassandra." He says kissing both mother and her womb."I love you too young one." "I love you my king."

THE REIGN OF THE BLOODY WAR CONTINUES.4 🐺 ☑️ Complete and Edited.Where stories live. Discover now