2.high (fuckshit)

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'how long is she gonna try and convince me to go to the party?' i think to myself.

etsee has been my bestfriend since i can remember. being estees bestfriend also comes with having to go to the parties she goes to. which wasn't all that bad cause i like having fun but sometimes even when you dont feel like partying she drags you along with her. 

"okay but y/n fuckshit is gonna be there." she says. 

"okay." i say chuckling. "why would i care?" 

"don't you like him or something?" she asks.

i giggle and put my index finger and thumb up with a little bit of space inbetween.

"a lil bit." i say smiling.

she smiles.

"then you have much more of a reason to go."

"dude me and him don't even talk." i say crossing my arms.

"and? this may be your chance to go talk to him!" she says.

"okay but we gotta have like three things." i say sitting up straight.

"okay fine. what are they?" she says.

"1.there has to be weed 2.let there be enough snacks cause some people are gonna have the munchies and 3. we cannot drink or smoke to much cause someone has to drive home." i conclude.

"okay yes definetly but if we're both shitfaced why can't we just spend the night at my house?" estee asks.

"cause like what if my mom calls and she's like 'where the fuck are you?' and i answer shitfaced? thats two reasons i'm gonna be dead." i say.

"just tell her your gonna spend the night at my house. she'll probably be okay with it." she says.

"good point. i'll call her later." i say.

"aight cool so you gonna change this?" she says refering to my outfit.

"what whats wrong with it?" i say pulling slightly at my baggy shirt.

"well nothings really wrong with it we just need to change it up a little." she says.

"um okay. how?" i ask.

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