10.face masks and cigarettes(fourthgrade)

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"baby!" fourthgrade exclaims

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"baby!" fourthgrade exclaims.

"yeah whats up?" i exclaim from the bathroom while putting on my face mask.

i hear him jogging to the bathroom each step getting slightly louder and louder.

"what are you doing?" he asks while standing in the door way looking at me.

"putting a face mask on. why?" i ask looking at him.

"oh well it looks weird." he says walking in and standing behind me.

"i know." i say still putting it on my face. 

he observes me for a little.

"did you need something?" i ask looking up at him.

he shakes his head no. "nah just wanted to see what you were doing."

i smile slightly.

"you wanna put one on?" i ask.

"um sure..." he says with hesitation in his voice. 

"okay." i say turning around to face him.

i squeeze the bottle slightly so that it lets some of the face mask out.

when some of it gets on my fingers i start putting it on his cheeks spreading out on his nose.

i squeeze out some more and put it on his chin and the bridge of his nose. 

i put some more on my fingers and put the bottle down so i can take my free hand and move his hair out the way. 

i put it on his forhead and turn around so i can wash my hands.

"so how long do you leave this for?" he asks.

"ion know like 10-15 minutes." i say shrugging.

he nods and i leave to go to our shared room.

i hear his footsteps follow behind me as i walk to my night stand where i keep my cigarettes.

i take one out the pack when i see an arm reach over me and take it out my hand. 

that same hand also takes my lighter.

i turn around to fourthgrade lighting the cigarette in his mouth.

"hey dipshit why'd you do that?" i ask trying to sound grumpy.

he shrugs and hands me back the lighter while taking a puff from his cigarette and blowing it in my face.

"your an ass." i giggle.

i take out another cigarette and light it taking a puff.

i sit on the side of the bed and unplug my phone from the charger to check any notifications i may have gotten earlier. 

i feel the bed dip and a head rest on my shoulder.

i look over slightly to fourthgrade looking over my shoulder at my phone.

"hey i can see you looking at my phone." i say.

"i know." he says taking a drag from his cigarette.

i lay my head slightly on his and take a drag from mine.

exhaling the smoke i look out to the window that leads to the balcony.

"hey do you wanna go on the balcony? we never chill out on there." i say.

"i mean if you want to." he says.

"do you want to though?" i ask.

"sure." he says sitting up.

i stand up and put my phone in my pocket.

i walk to the door thats locked and twist the lock on the knob.

i twist the nob to open the door and are immediately met with a slight gust of breeze.

i look around outside and see a small dark city thats lit up by the moon.

"oh it's nice out." i say walking over the step thats on the floor in to the balcony that has a table and two chairs.

fourthgrade follows behind me and sits in the chair opposite from my side.

"it's pretty out here." i say laying my head back and exhaling smoke from my cigarette.

as my head is laid back i look at all the stars that are spread throught the sky. 

"oh look at that star." i say pointing to a red and green flashing in the sky.

i hear fourthgrade chuckle and bring my head back foward to look at him.

"what? what's so funny?" i say taking a drag from my cigarette.

"babe thats a plane not a star." he says taking a drag from his cigarette aswell.

i look back up to see if he's correct and as i keep looking at it i realise stars aren't red and green.

"oh shit your right." i say chuckling.

he chuckles.

i chuckle and take a drag from my cigarette exhaling it and bending foward so i can put it out.

i look at the time and realise it's been awhile since me and fourthgrade put on the face masks.

"we should take these off." i say.

he shrugs and bends foward to put out his cigarette on the ashtray.

i stand up from the chair and walk to the bathroom grabbing two washcloths from the closet.

i walk in and fourthgrade comes in next.

i start peeling the mask off my face some spots left with resedue.

after i'm done i throw out the pieces i have in my hand out.

i notice fourthgrade with a lot more resedue on his face than mine.

i chuckle.

i give him the one of the washcloths i brought in before and put mine under the faucet to get wet.

after a part of my washcloths is wet i put in the my face and start washing the resedue off.

i notice fourthgrade look at me and repeat my steps.

i use the dry part of the towel and pat my face dry.

"well that was fun." fourthgrade says.

"yeah." i say walking out the bathroom to the balcony fourthgrade's foot steps behind me.

yungorangesoda is typing...

hey ya'll so this imagines was for @juliebabe294 . i really hope you like this imagines that i thought of.


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