12.couples quiz(ruben)

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"hey my name is y/n l/n and i'm here with ruben and we're doing a couple squiz

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"hey my name is y/n l/n and i'm here with ruben and we're doing a couple squiz. except we're not a couple." i say.

"yet." he interupts. 

i look at him with a glare.

"shut up." i say chuckling.

he looks back at the camera with a smile.

"yet." he says.

"okay whatever let's get started." i say.

theres an awkward silence after i speak.

"yet." ruben says still looking at the camera.

i let out a laugh and then i hear him start laughing with me.

"okay first question." i say after taking a sigh to catch my breath.

"what is my favorite color?" i ask looking at him expecting him to know.

"uh ion know is it y/f/c?" he asks.

"yup." i say taking the card with the question and putting it on the little table next to me.

i look at him smile and nod at the camera.

i laugh at his awkwardness.

"okay- wait is someone keeping track of how many he's getting right?" i say looking atthe camera crew.

the producer holds up a thumbs up and i nod.

"okay next question. when is my birthday." i ask fully expecting him to know this.

"uh..." he says.

"dude do you not know?" i ask very surprised.

"nah i'm just messing with you." he says laughing.

"okay what is it then?" i ask re-adjusting the cards in my hand.

"it's y/bday." he says confidently leaning back into the chair.

"okay okay." i say pursing my bottom lip and nodding. 

i take the card with that question and put it down on the table next to me.

"when's my birthday?" ruben asks.

"april 14th." i say looking at him confidently and taking out the next card.

he smiles and nods.

"next question!" i say looking at the camera then looking back down at my question cards.

"okay what makes me really angry?" i say looking at him expecting him to know it cause he does it all the time.

"uh...oh." he says laughing. "when i do stupid shit in public."

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