13. falling(fuckshit)

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okay so before we start with the story note that i changed all my actor imagines to character ones

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okay so before we start with the story note that i changed all my actor imagines to character ones. i think i mentioned that in one of my other imagines. sorry if you don't like that. 

"man stop laughing." fuckshit says whispering giggling while we're doing a scene. 

"okay take five." jonah says.

most of the people on set leave while i'm sitting with fuckshit laughing.

"this shit is gonna take so long." he says groaning and putting his hands in his face.

"i'm sorry this shit is just so funny!" i says trying to catch my breath.

"oh my god." he says chuckling while i stand up to go to one of the seats out side.

as i'm walking i hear fuckshit follow behind me.

"man you following me now?" i ask giggling.

"shut up." he say giggling. 

i sit down and open up my water bottle.

i take a sip and notice fuckshit looking at me.

i take a look over and see him turn his head quickly.

i chuckle a little bit and start scrolling through my phone. 

"ayo um imma head out real quick aight?" fuckshit says standing up from his chair.

"aight." i say not looking up from my phone.

he walks away leaving me in my chair under the tent.


i wipe my face with my hands. 

"fuckshit! whats up dude!" ray says.

"sup man." i say dapping him up.

"whats up man you looked tweaked out." he says leaning on the mini fridge outside.

"man its y/n. they will not fucking leave my head."  i say dragging my hands down my face.

"oooh someones got a crush!" he says laughing. 

"man shut up." i say smiling and shaking my head. 

"you should just tell them." ray says taking a sip of water from his water bottle. 

"i'm mean i guess but we supposed to be on like a professional level." i say resting my chin in my hand.

i see ray nod. 

"it would also be real weird cause like we cast mates and like friends or whatever." i say.

"ain't that how most people start dating?" he says laughing. 

i chuckle.

maybe i should say something.


as i'm sittinng on the chair scrolling through my phone, i hear some footsteps come up behind me. 

i turn around and see olan coming back to sit in his seat. 

"took you long enough." i say chuckling. 

he chuckles. 

"hey um y/n i uh i got something to tell you." he says.

i look over at him. 

next thing i know his lips are on mine. 

he pulls away and we both open our eyes.

"woah." i say astonishment laced in my voice. 

"sorry i shoulda just told you." he says.

"no no it's okay it was um it was nice." i say.

yungorangesoda is typing...

hey guys so this imagine was for @mrsteddyduchamp !

i'm super sorry this took long! i just had a lot of school to focus on. hope you like it! 


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