9.makin a mess pt.3(all)

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"okay muthafuckers time to wash it out!" i exclaim walking into the bathroom with them following behind me.

"okay fourthgrade you first." i say leading him to the bathtub.

i sit on the edge of the bathtub and hand him the big bottles of shampoo and conditioner. 

i turn on the faucet and he starts washing his hair. 

after he's done washing his hair he looks over to the mirror and looks at his burnt orange hair. 

"okay ruben." i say.

he comes over to the bathtub and bends down so he can wash his hair. 

after rubens done washing his hair up next is ray.

after rays done washing his hair i turn off the faucet and grab another ciggarette from my from my pocket and light it. 

"goddamn how many fucking ciggarettes you gon smoke?!" ruben says.

"says the one whos cig i had to light up. shush." i say.

"man shut up." he says taking the one i had in my mouth.

"aye man what the fuck!" i say annoyed while taking another one out. 

he chuckles sticking his tounge.

i stick up my middle finger at him and roll my eyes playfully. 

he smiles and takes a drag from my cigarette.

"okay big man time to wash your hair." i say to sunburn patting his shoulder.

"aight it's not that much so we'll just wash it over the sink." i say.

he nods and bends his head under the faucet.

i take a small amount of shampoo and wash the part of hair. i add the conditioner and wash it out.

"aight fuckshit go get me a small towel." he nods and walks to the cabinet where we keep the towels.

he grabs a small one and hands it to me.

i take the towel and dry the part of hair.

"done." i say.

he moves away from the faucet and stand up straight.

i push his hair back and he smiles.

"cool. thank you." he says. "oh sorry." 

"what you sayin sorry for?" i chuckle.

"um your gonna think i'm gay for saying thank you."  he says.

i chuckle. "no im not. it's common manners."

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