Chapter 1

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(Candy Kingdom Science Lab)

Princess Bubble Gum carefully examined various germs under a microscope. Occasionally poking them and writing down their reaction. Peppermint Butler suddenly runs in carrying a large rotary phone.

P. Butler: Princess! A message for you!

P.B: Can't it wait? I almost done wi-

Peppermint Butler slams the phone onto the desk tossing Bubble Gum's research aside.

P.B: Fiiiine.

She opens the center of the rotary phone as a hologram emerges showing a young man. She noticed the dark bags under his eyes and a slight mess in the background.

???: Princess....I need your help.

P.B: Who are you?

???: Oh...sorry....I guess I don't really look like myself....

(Later On)

Finn and Jake rush over to hill overlooking the edge of the Candy Kingdom. There they see Princess BubbleGum staring off into the horizon.

Finn: Yo P.B! You called us?

P.B: Finn, Jake I'm glad you both were able to meet me in such short notice.

Jake: Not a problem. So...whats up?

P.B: Thiers an friend of mine I need to check on. He was going on and on about something he found being cursed, but I think his overworking himself again. Will you two accompany me?

Finn: Sure!

Jake: I've got nothing scheduled, So I'm down.

P.B: Excellent! We leave at once!

Jake stretches into a horse as Finn and P.B jump onto him riding off.

Finn: So this friend. What kinda person is he?

Jake: Yea! Is he mysterious? Tough? A steal someone's girl kind a-

Finn Kicks Jake sides which makes him yelp in pain. BubbleGum giggles as she thinks.

P.B: Admittedly he's a little odd, but he is knowledgeable...usually has a smile no matter how dark things seem...and well...

Jake: Well?

P.B: Its kinda hard to describe him right know. After our phone call he really didn't look like himself.

Finn: If its making you forget what he's like then I wonder what happened...I-I'm sure he's alright though!

P.B: *Sigh* I hope so Finn....I hope so...

Jake: So am I gonna keep running in this direction or wha?


The trio arrives outside the home of P.B's friend. A small wooden shack that sat near the entrance to a thick forest. A window shattered and the door knocked off its hinges sent an uneasy feeling in BubbleGum.

P.B: Let's go....and guys...becareful.

Finn & Jake: Roger!

They carefully make there way towards the door and P.B peaks inside. She see various papers scattered around the floor as well as an overturned table and scratches on the wall.

Finn: What happened in here?

Jake spot several jars of warm coffee sitting nearby and half were drunk.

Jake: This guy really like alot.

P.B: He does drink it....but never this-

Finn: Yo guys! Check it out!

P.B and Jake rush over to Finn. They see a young man sleeping clutching something close to his chest. P.B kneels down and checks his pulse.

P.B: Thank goodness he's alright...guys can you fix this place up while I check him out?

Finn: Sure. Jake vacuum cleaner mode!

Jake: Aww Man I hate that mode!

P.B carries the young man over and places him onto a bed. She takes notice of the item still in his grasp.

P.B: What are you holding onto?

She wrestles with his arms trying to see what his holding. She manges to take the the item.

P.B: Ha!

Finn: Almost done cleaning P.B.

Jake changes back from a vacuum with some garbage in his mouth.

Jake: *Slighty Muffled* What'cha got there?

P.B: Its Hambo...

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