Chapter 9

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Finn and Jake slowly and carefully chip away at your icey in prison. It took a while, but thanks to Jake's powers they were able carry you back to their tree house and went to work.

Jake: So why didn't we just put him near the Fire Kingdom?

Finn: Dude, who knows how long it might take him melt. Especially since this is some thick ice.

F.P: Plus, we don't know if he'll be fine once he's out. So...its better to be nearby food and water incase.

Finn: So wait...shouldn't we take him to P.B instead?

F.P: You know how I feel about her...

Finn: Right Right...

Jake manages to break through a large chunk around your head.

Y/N: *Gasping rapidly* Whoa! W-w-were am I?

Jake: Whoa Chill dude.

Finn: Jake.

Jake: Heheh...

Flame Princess: I've asked Finn and Jake to bring you to their home and help thaw you out.

Y/N: O-oh okay....that's good...please...continue.

After awhile the manged to break you out.

Y/N: Achoo! *sniff* thanks again you two. Looks like I owe you once again.

Jake: Its cool man. Last time you owed us I got a shot in my butt and I don't need that again.

Y/N: And I'm also in your debt Flame Princess.

F.P: Why? Thanks to your "Talking to animals" thing we were able to escape.

Y/N: If you hadn't come along I would have met my end and for that I thank you.

F.P: I-if you say so...

Flame Princess flames burn slightly brighter then usual.

Jake: Huh? Is it getting warmer in here?

Finn: Yea...just a little bit.

Flame Princess takes notice her flames.

Y/N: Princess? Are you okay?

F.P: I-I-I- I'm *Ahem!* I'm fine. I just remembered something I have to I'll....I'll see you guys later.

She bolts outta the room leaving a small trail of fire behind her.

Jake: it me or was she acting kinda weird?

Y/N: It was strange...*Achoo!*

Finn: Dude! Gross!

Y/N: Sorry Finn...*sniff*...I'm gonna head home and nurse this cold....I'll see you guy.......later.

You slowly shuffle towards the door slowly closing it behind you.

Finn: Is it a good idea to let him walk home like that?

Jake shrugs as he opens door. He finds you faced down in the dirt passed out.

Jake: Imma say uh...was not a good idea.

Finn: Let's take him man.

Jake: Ooh fine...but I'm wearing the safety suit! I ain't risking anything with him all sick!

(Later...back at home)

Jake cautiously places you on your bed and immediately runs to the sink and scrubs his hands.

Finn: Its hard to believe anyone lives this far out. I wonder why.

Jake: Who knows. Dude has his reason.

Finn sees a glass box next to the door labeled "In case of Illness Break Glass".

Finn: Okay...

He smash it open as a syringe and a note falls out of the box.

Jake: What's it say? What's it say?

Finn: "To whomever it may concern...the syringe packaged with this note is a cure for the common cold. Please administer the dose and be on your way as to not interfere with the rest of your day. Thank you."

Finn looks at the syringe and back at you.

Finn: So whose gonna-

Before he could finish Jake grabs the syringe and stretches his hand over towards you and jams the needle into your arm.

Finn: What the H Jake?!

Jake: Well I thought it be a good revenge thing for stabbing me in the butt before....but it ain't as satisfying when he's not awake...and it'd be better if he wasn't sick....Man I feel bad now.

Finn: "If Jake stabs me I count us even."

Jake: Huh?

Finn: Its written on the back see?

Jake: Wha - How the Heck - !

Jake stops as he hears you moan and turn with your back facing them.

Finn: Shush!

Jake: *Quietly* How the heck would he know what I was gonna do?!

Finn: Dunno...Let's head home. Will check up on him tomorrow.

Jake nods as the both leave.

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