Chapter 8

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You and Flame Princess ran as fast as you could out of the Ice Kingdom. Before you could make it you hear a soft thud behind you.

Y/N: Princess!

You see Flame Princess collapsed behind you. Her light dimmer then before.

Y/N: No No No. Were almost there!

You could see the edge of the Kingdom near by. You had to move her one way or another.

Y/N: Don't worry Princess. I've got you.

You bite your lip and carry Flame Princess in your arm. Though she wasn't as hot as she should be, it was still very painful you.

Y/N: I got you....I got you...

You step over and out of the Ice Kingdom and into the warmth of the main land. You spot a tree near by and lay Flame Princess against it before running back and putting your arms deep into the snow.

Y/N: Ow hot! Ow hot! ow hot!

You see the shadow of a bright red flame behind you.

Y/N: Princess! Are you okay?!

F.P: Yea! I feel great! I finally broke those dumb ice chains!

She stretches for a sec as you walk over. She notices the burns on your arms.

F.P: Oh my glob! Are you okay??

Y/N: I'm fine...a little sensitive in the arms though.

F.P: Is there anything I can do?

Y/N: Accompany me on the walk home?

F.P: Um...Sure. It is a nice day outside.

The duo start to make their way back to (Y/N)'s house. Along the way you tried to strike up a conversation.

Y/N: is it ruling over Fire Kingdom?

F.P: Meh...Its not that fun, but I guess I wouldn't call it boring either.

Ice King: Wait up!! Heeey!

You both turn and see the Ice King flying towards you.

Y/N: Uh oh.

F.P: I got this.

Flame Princess flies into the air and awaits Ice Kings attack. He stops just before crashing into Flame Princess.

Ice King: What gives guys! I thought we were having fun!

F.P: You kidnapped us and then tried to hold us prisoners!

Ice King: Honey...please don't argue  with me out here...people might be watching.

Y/N: You know technically he kidnapped you--- know what its not important.

Ice King: Aright alright! Let's just all calm down and -- Hiya!

Ice King shoots a bolt of Ice and tries to hit Flame Princess.

F.P: Whoa! (Y/N) watch out!

Y/N: Oh this is gonna su--!

The bolt flies past Flame Princess and strikes you completely freezing you.

Ice King: Wait wait wait! I think I can fix this! *Zap*

He shoots another bolt of ice at you. The block of ice encasing you grows bigger.

F.P: Wha- Why would you do that?!

Ice King: I uh...gotta go!

Ice King quickly flies back towards his Kingdom leaving Flame Princess to deal the mess.

Flame Princess: Hmm....Maybe I can...

She makes fire continously shoot out of hands and slowly tries melt the ice around you.

Flame Princess: Okay okay...maybe I can turn up the heat a bit...

She turn up the heat slightly before stopping after noticing your arm is free and is flailing  wildly. It was also on fire.

F.P: Oh Gob!

She shoots a small ball of fire to melt some ice making the water pour over your arm and extinguish the flame. You give a thumbs up before letting your dangle.

F.P: Hmm....Their's gotta be a safer way to do this...

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