Chapter 7

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Ice King: Hahaha! GO FISH!

Y/N: Wait...I thought we were playing Poker?

F.P: I thought we were playing Old Maid?

Ice King: Suck it losers!!

Y/N & F.P: (He's not listing.)

Ice King dances to his victory laughing and giggling with every step. He accidentally knocks over a bag chips in the process.

Ice King: I've got some more games we can play! Be right back!

He leaves as Gunther lays on the piles of cards in the middle of the room. You stand and waddle to the wall and begin to kick it chipping away at the block of ice encasing your foot.

F.P: Hey...

Y/N: Hiya! Yes Flame Princess?

F.P: Do I know you? You seem really familiar.

Y/N: might not, but your citizens should.

F.P: They should?

Y/N: Mhm! I go to the Fire Kingdom once a month to check its people and help with there illnesses and or injurys.

F.P: Oooh! Your the doctor that I've been hearing about!

With a final kick you mange to break the ice around your foot.

Y/N: Yes! Wait. Heard of me?

F.P: Yea. A servant of mine told me about a doctor who help thier mother recover from an illness and that he didn't charge them anything.

Y/N: Sick mother must mean Jen. Her mother couldn't keep food down if I recall. I've gotta do my follow up now that I remember.

F.P: But...why?

Y/N: Why what?

You respond while tugging against the iced bars.

F.P: Why are you helping people?

Y/N: Well...

You spot the bag of chips and reach for it. After a bit you mange to grab it.

Y/N: I'm a doctor. I made a personal oath to help whoever needs it. No matter what the circumstances.

You slowly jiggle the bag at the edge of the bars.

F.P: What are you doing?

Y/N: Asking a friend for help.

Gunther stands and waddles his way over to the bag. Before he could reach it you pull the bag away.

Y/N: Sorry about that Gunther... You want the chips?

Gunther: *Wack*

Y/N: Well...can you bring somethings to burn?

Gunther looks over at you and then the bag.

Y/N: The whole bag of chips could be yours.

Gunther: *Wack*

Gunther waddles out of the room.

Y/N: that that's set in motion let's see if we can break those chain.

F.P: You can talk to Penguins?

Y/N: One can dream.


Ice King frantically rushes around his room grabbing various books and games.

Ice King: Maybe they'll  enjoy listening to some of my fan-fics!

He grabbes a book and flips it around. Flipping through the pages and stopping at one.

Ice King: .......Whoa!....Not this one.

He sets the book down and starts looking under his bed.

Ice King: Now where's the....Its should! Gunther have you seen the cleansing liquid?! I've got a book that's too mature I need to get rid of.....Gunther!

He slides the book underneath his bed.

Ice King: Now where'd he run off too?

(Back At The Ice Prison)

Y/N: Gunther your a genius.

Gunther: *Wack*

Gunther slides a can of gasoline threw the bars. you hand him the bag of chips and grab the gas can leaning it against the wall.

Y/N: I need you to muster as much fire as you can and let the can have it.

F.P: Is this safe to do?

Y/N: If I did the math right...probably not, but we don't have many options and if we stay here much longer we might freeze.

F.P: Okay...stand back!

She's able to shoot a small ball of fire into the open container. After a couple of seconds the can explodes sending pieces of ice everywhere.

Ice King: Hey guys what with all the- Oof!

A block of ice hits the Ice King and blocks the door back into the room.

Y/N: Nice shot Flame Princess.

F.P: Thanks. Now let's get out of here!

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