Chapter 6

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Y/N: Oh man....i-i-its so cold in here.

You found yourself locked inside a prison made of Ice sitting in a corner. You were on your way to the breakfast kingdom to check on a local butter citizen who seem to be losing weight fast. However it would have to wait. During your walk you felt something hit your head and made you black out. When you came to you found yourself here.

???: Oh glob! Oh glob!

You could here something shuffling towards your cell.

???: Don't be dead. The love of glob don't be-

You see a blue man stumble into the room followed by some Penguins. He slowly slides to a stop as hits the door to your cell.

???: Oh thank gob your alive. Wheew....heh...really dodge a bullet on that on huh?

Y/N: Uhh....yea you really did ....where am I? Who are you?

???: Oh well *ahem*

The room darkens as he slowly raises into the air as lighting surrounds his hands.


The room brightens as you see the Ice King slowly climb down a small mountain of Penguins he stood on. One waddles towards you.

Penguin: *Wack*

Y/N: Sup?

Ice King: Gunther! Get away from him!

He walks over and lifts him above his shoulders.

Ice King: You can't go talking to the prisoners sweet heart you know that. Who knows what evil thing-

Y/N: Prisoner?! Why?!

Ice King: Well I can't have someone crying attempted murder out there. It might ruin my chances with the ladies if you know what I'm sayin...*clicks tongue* So yea...your gonna have to stay in there until the heat dies down.

Gunther: *Wack*

Y/N: Can I at least get some warm clothes? Or fire?

Ice King: Well I mean...Ice Kingdom...

Y/N: *Sigh* Right...

Ice King: Now that that's settled if you don't mind I've got some ladies to wow!

He flies off leaving you with Gunther.

Y/N: I don't suppose you could get me a jacket?

Gunther: *Wack*

He slides through the bars and cuddles with you.

Y/N: least your warm.

Gunther: *Snoring*

Y/N: Aw...

(A Few Hours Later)

The Ice King returns to find a pile of Penguins piled in the center of the Ice Prison.

Ice King: Wha? Hey wake up and get outta there!

The Penguins yawn and one by one slide through the bars to the outside. One you were using as a pillow wiggles free and runs out making you hit your head against the cold floor.

Y/N: was really warm and soft in there.

Ice King: Your gonna have to scoot over kiddo. ~I've brought companyyyy~

He sung as he tugged at a thick chain of ice.

???: Let me go!!

Ice King: Now now sweetie. There's no need to be shy around guests.

Y/N: I thought I was a prisoner...

As he yanked the chain a very dimly burning Flame Princess walked in again her will.

Ice King: There, you go. Oops! Almost forgot.

As he opens the cage door he zaps your foot encasing one in a block of ice.

Y/N: Aw what?!

Ice King: Can't be two careful now.

Flame Princess walks into the Prison unable to melt through the bars. It looked like her fire wasn't as hot as it should be. As Ice King slams the door shut he laughs maniacally.

Ice King: Bwahahaha! Oh you two are gonna just love it here. *Gasp!* I know! We can play some card games to pass the time! Wait right here!

He shuffles away giggling to himself leaving the two of you alone.

Y/N: Hey.

F.P: Uh...Hi.

Y/N:'d he get you?

F.P: I was taking nap and he snuck into my room and dumped a bucket of ice on me. You?

Y/N: Accidental attempted murder.

F.P: Oh.

Y/N: Yep.

F.P: .......

Y/N: ..........(This is getting awkward.)

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