Chapter 15

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You slowly hit your head against the table repeatedly. Each thud making the words echo louder in your head.

Y/N: (Love.....Love.....Love) *Sigh*

Reaching into your pocket you pull out the picture Flame Princess took of you both during the carnival. You started to pace around the room trying to process your emotions.

Y/N: (Love! Love! Gah! I don't....what do I even?!?)

*Knock knock*

Y/N: Come IN!

Marcy: Whoa...dude you need to relax a little.

Y/N: Marceline! Sorry...sorry...I'm just a little....*sigh*

Marcy: Got a lot on your mind?

Y/N: You could say that.

P.B: You wanna do something with us to help clear you mind?

Y/N: BubbleGum? Is anyone else out there?

Finn: Yo! I brought Bmo!

Bmo: Hello Doctor person!

Y/N: *Sigh* Alright...what did you need help with?

P.B: We found an old cave near here. Finn wanted to go for the adventure and I wanted to see if we could find any relics of the old world.

Y/N: And Marceline?

Marcy: I just wanted to spend time with ma babe.

BubbleGum blushes lighty as she clears her throat.

P.B: As...I was saying...We could use a doctor incase someone gets hurt.

Y/N: Fear....darkness...and the possibility of injury. Sounds like the perfect way to get my mind off things. I'm in.

P.B: Excellent.

You grab your things along with a few medical supplies and head put seeing a small greenish computer sticking out from Finns backpack.

Y/N: So...who's Bmo?

Bmo: I am! I am here!

The computers screen turns on as a small face appears laughing joyously. You lean closer towards Finns backpack.

Y/N: Huh...Nice to meet you Bmo.

You shake his small hand.

Bmo: It is good to meet you Doctor man!

Y/N: know you could call me (Y/N).

Bmo: Roger that Doctor man!

Y/N: Doctor man it is then....(I can't argue with something that adorable...)

As the group neared the location of the the cave you could something bright standing nearby.

Finn: Hey F.P. Glad you could make it.

Y/N: Flame Princess?

F.P: What is she doing here?

P.B: I'm merely here for an archeological endeavor.

Flame Princess looks at you as you awkwardly smile and wave only to have her look away and cross her arms.

Y/N: (Oh....she's mad...well duh! I left her alone during the festival!)

Finn: Listen...I think all of us exploring this cave might be good for us. Come on what do you say?

F.P: Alright...

Finn: Thats the spirt!

He pulls Bmo from his backpack and puts him down.

Finn: Bmo...Flashlight if you please.

Bmo: Sure thing Finn.

Bmo's face lights up as they start to walk into the cave leaving you and Flame Princess alone.

Y/N: Listen Princess...I'm---

F.P: Let's just go....

She starts to walk inside before you could finish speaking.

Y/N: This is gonna be a long day...

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