Chapter 20

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(7 Months Later)

In the Flame Kingdom the Princess sat on her throne having a conversation over the phone.

F.P: Will you be okay?

Y/N: Trust me it won't be like last time.

F.P: Are you sure? This is the Ice King were talking about...

Y/N: It'll be fine. Sure its bizarre that he says he caught a cold, but if it wasn't for him I wouldn't have met you...So with that I do kinda owe him.

F.P: That's true...just be careful okay?

Y/N: When have I've ever been in danger?

F.P: .....Really?

Y/N: Okay bad example......I'll becareful don't worry. I'll see you tonight.

F.P: Are you gonna wear a disguise again?

Y/N: When the citizens stop referring me as the future King I'll stop.

F.P: So you don't wanna be a King?

Y/N: I didn't say its just.....

F.P: ........Just?

Y/N: ..........I'd like to bail on this argument if possible.

F.P: *Chuckles* Okay okay....see you soon.....Love you.

Y/N:I-I love you two....How are you able to say that naturally?! I still stutter!

F.P: It's cute when you stutter saying it.

Y/N: I'm hanging up now....L-love you....

Flame Princess laughs as she closes her phone.

F.P: He'll be fine.

She grabs the Ruby she now wears as a pendent and runs her thumb over it.

F.P: I know he will.

(Back with (Y/N))

Y/N: It's cute when I stutter......*Blushing*

You felt your face heat up as you neared Ice King's castle. Knocking on the door your greeted by an old friend.

Gunther: *Wack*

Y/N: Hey Gunther. *Secret Handshake* I'm here to see Sim-er Ice King.

Gunther: *Wack*

You follow the waddling penguin into the Ice King's room.

Ice King: Oh woes me! Cough cough! Sounds of a dying old man....isn't there someone who could little old me.

Ice King spot you putting your things down.

Ice King: Ummm...preferably a beautiful princess? Perhaps?

Y/N: Well Gunther he looks fine so I'll--

Ice King: No wait! Come back!

After a bit of checking Ice King's pulse and temperature you couldn't really tell if he had a cold.

Ice King: Give it to me straight long do I've got?

Y/N: Uhhh...I mean your there isn't anything wrong I could fine.

Ice King: Huh? You mean I'm not dying?

Y/N: Uh No?

Ice King: Wood! Hot dog!

He jumps up from his bed and starts to dance.

Y/N: Dying? I thought you said you had a cold?

Ice King: 🎶Daddy's gonna live for ev- Huh?

Y/N: The cold? You know the reason you called me over?

Ice King: Oh! Right! *Cough cough* Ohhhh my aching back....

Y/N: ........I'm gonna go now.

Ice King: Hey wait a sec!

Y/N: I'll give Gunther my bill.

Ice King: I said wait!

He flies up into the air and Freezes your lower half in place.

Y/N: What the-- Ice King! What the H! Why would you fake being sick?!?

Ice King: I was hoping you could find something wrong with me. Then I could use that to maybe convince some princesses to take care of me.

Y/N: .......If you were gonna pretend to be sick how were gonna fake it when people check you for any illness?

Ice King: I'm not an idiot! I was gonna look for someone else who was sick that would in turn get me sick! Therefore making your doctor note more believable.

Y/N: So your plan was to fake getting sick, get a prescription note from me saying your sick and then go actually get sick.

Ice King: ................Well when you say it like that it sounds ridiculous.

Y/N: Okay......put it in a way that doesn't sound ridiculous.

Ice King: ..................

Y/N: .................

Ice King: ..............

Y/N: Well?

Ice King: ........Bam!

Ice King almost freezes you completely, but leaves your head alone.

Y/N: S-s-so cold.

Ice King: New plan! I wait until other Princesses come looking for you and then convince them to stay!

Y/N: W-w-what m-m-makes you think they won't send F-F-Finn?

Ice King: .....Huh....I'm gonna go grab my notebook then we'll go over some plans.

Y/N: You want me to help you come up with a plan to use me as bait for Princesses?

Ice King: Anymore lip from you and I'll turn you into a giant ice cube.

Y/N: Alright! Alright!

Ice King: Good.

He leaves as you try and wiggle around.

Y/N: Gah! This isn't working....

Ice King: I'm back!! Now what should we start with? Choosing which Princess to kidnapped or how to trapped?

You roll your eyes and notice a phone nearby.

Y/N: know what? Before we start planning anything let me order some pizza.

Ice King: Oh! That sounds- wait a do I know you won't call for help?

Y/N: Okay fine.....I guess you don't wanna try some really uh....Bombastic pizza?

Ice King: Hmm....Bombastic you say eh?

He snatches up the phone and hold it next to your ear.

Ice King: Okay do it! And if possible some pineapple!

Y/N: Some pineapple-what kind of monster- just dail this number.

Elsewhere Marceline sat next to BubbleGum both enjoying a movie and some warm coco when suddenly her phone rings.

P.B: I'll get it. Hello?

Y/N: Uh...Yes...hi? Supper cool pizza place?

P.B: Cool pizza place? I think you've got the wrong number.

Y/N: Uhhh No no! I've definitely got the right number....this is boyfriend of Flame Princess ordering a carry out.

P.B: (Y/N)? What are you?

Y/N: This order need to be quick before the pizza ICE'S over. You know LIKE A CUBE?

P.B: Uhh? What are you talking about?

Y/N: Yes a Delivery to the Ice Kingdom. We will tip the delivery person so good it'll be like he's BEING HELD HOSTAGE BY THE ICE KING.

P.B: Ooooh that makes sense. Just hang tight well be over in a bit.

Y/N: Perfect! And add some Pineapple.


P.B: ................Pineapple?

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