Chapter 24 (Finale)

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Marceline tumbles out of the portal and lands on the outside of Y/N's home.

Marcy: We made it! Bonnie I-

She looks around and doesn't see the construction crew nor Bubblegum around. She whips out her phone.

*Ring Ring*

*Ring Ring* *Click*

Marcy: Hey Bonnie where are-

PB: Marceline we need you over by - Whoa! *Crash!* By Finn and Jake's House! Hurry!


Marcy: *Sigh* Come on you...Bubblegum needs us.

Y/N: *Gurgle Gurgle*

Marcy: Oh right.

Throwing Y/N over her shoulder once more she takes off towards Finn and Jake's home. It didn't take long to see what was going on. A giant Abadeer slowly made his way across the land of Ooo sucking up various souls. She flies to catch up with her dad as the others tell to her.

PB: Marceline! Come back!

Finn: Yo Marcy! Wait up!

FP: Is she carrying Y/N? Wait!

They chase after her as she comes to a stop near her dad.

Marcy: Dad! Hey!

Abadeer: Oh h-hey! Sweetie! What brings you here? Eh heh....

Marcy: First off I should be asking you that! Secondly, you wanna explain this?

She holds Y/N towards him as drool pours out of his mouth.

Abadeer: Well I uh *Ahem*-

Marcy: Give him his soul

Abadeer shrinks down to normal size and unhinges his mouth. Reaching into it he pulls out a small grey orb. Marceline lays you down as Abadeer rubs the orb against your chest until it sinks in. Everyone else manages to catch up as he does.

Finn: Yo...what's he doing?

Marcy: Hang on a sec...

With a large gasp of air you sit straight up and quickly check your pulse.

Y/N: Ha! Not this time Gob!....Wait what's happening?

Flame Princess quickly runs over towards you and gives you a tight hug. Bubblegum runs several scans over you.

PB: Yep he's not a zombie.

You look around and see plenty of dead plants and trees.

Y/N: didn't really think that was gonna work right?

Marcy: What's he talking about dad?

Abadeer: N-nothing! You know me! Just doin my job of end...the world....heh...

Y/N: Seriously? Look he-

Abadeer: Scilence mortal!

Abadeer yelled as he wanted you to not say another word.

Y/N: .............Really wanted you to visit him.

Marceline looks over at her dad who looks a bit red and trying to avoid eye contact. Rubbing your head you felt like you'd been gone a while.

Y/N: How long has it been by the way?

PB: About a month give or take.

Y/N: What?!

Flame Princess jumps onto to and start rapidly kissing your cheeks. She stops as soon as she realises the others were watching.

FP: *Ahem* I missed you....a lot...

Y/N: I *clears throat*

You tried to hide your blushing face and gather your thoughts.

Y/N: Abadeer...if you could please explain. I've some urgent business to take care of...

With that said you grab Flame Princesses hand and lead her behind some large rocks.

Abadeer: Look...your friend came falling into the Nightosphere and honestly I was gonna eat him, but then he reminded me who he was and how he was friends with you. We got to talking and well I found out you had found someone to be found a cave loaded with treasures with your friends and so much more....

Marcy: ...........

Abadeer: It just reminded me how little we see eachother nowadays...and while we were talking about you I threw out an idea I thought would work.

Marcy: By Sucking up the souls of the people of Ooo?

Abadeer: I thought if there was nothing left here maybe you and your loved one could come and visit? Your friend tried to tell me was a horrible idea and might make us hate eachother, but *sigh* I didn't listen.

Abadeer tries his best not to look like the bad guy. Bubblegum leans over to Marceline and whispers.

P.B: Although I don't like that he might have sucked the souls of half my Kingdom he was doing it for you in the matter how messed up his plan was.

Marcy: I know you were doing what you thought was right, but you could have just called and asked you know.....I might not be know tomorrow or whatever....

Abadeer walks over to Marceline and gives her a hug.

Abadeer: I'd like's brunch sound? Dunno what it is, but it sounds fun!

PB: B-Before we get to that thought. You mind returning the souls?

Abadeer: Huh? The-Oh! Silly me I almost forgot!

He turns and begins to violently cough up the souls. As Finn, Marceline and Bubblegum stand an watch in both horror and curiosity. Y/N and Flame Princess both rejoin the group. Thier clothes as mess and both blushing redder then normal.

Y/N: I see everything worked itself out here.

FP: *Ahem* Yup looks like it.

Finn: Hey Y/N? Did you drink a fire resistant potion before or after you went behind the rock?

PB: Yea.....what were you two up too?

Y/N: Oh nothing....just...making up for lost time....that's it....nothing more.

FP: Yes! Lots of time spent catching up....a-and nothing more...heh...

Marcy: Guy's....its their personal biz, so leave them alone.

She grabs them both by the ear and pulls them away.

F.P: You okay?

Y/N: Yea.

Y/N grabs her hand and holds it tightly.

Y/N: I am now.

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