Chapter 1: Bad Dreams

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AN: Hey to all the people who were nice enough to check my story out! Thanks a lot! This is my first ever story, so please be nice. It will be bad, but i'm doing it anyway. I will try to keep up with this, but no promises, I just started high school and homework is now my mortal enemy. I hope you enjoy this! And I love reading comments, so if you'd like leave some for me to read. Thanks and on with the story.


The needles were back. I could feel the sharp point dig into my shoulder, almost making me cry out in pain. Never show weakness. Rule number one. They continued to dig the needle into my shoulder blade, not even caring if it hurt me. They only cared about power. My body shook as they injected something into me. They then yanked the needles out. I bit into my cheek to keep from screaming. I could taste the blood in my mouth. Then they led me into my room, really more of a cell, and locked me in there. I started to cry.

I woke up in a cold sweat. No, not these stupid nightmares again. I hugged my knees to my chest, shivering in the cold wind. I didn't know what time it was, seeing as I didn't have a clock. No, get out of your head Abby Allen. They're just dreams. In your head was a horrible place to be when you're out on the streets. And why am I, a fourteen year old kid, on the streets you wonder. Well, I ran away from my house. Simple as that really. That's all i'm gonna tell you for now, you can know the rest later. I quickly shook myself back into reality. I had to move, you can never really be sure who's trustworthy and who's not, and people might be following you. I packed up my backpack with my few possessions in it, including a few pairs of clothes and socks and some food I had stolen from the store. Oh come on, it wasn't even that much. I only stole like a few apples and some granola bars, it's not going to kill anyone. I picked up my backpack and put the hood up on my ratty sweater. I started to walk toward my friend Jesse's place. He owned a boxing gym in downtown New York. It must have been around 4 or 5 in the morning because there weren't many people up and about yet. So in conclusion I had about an hour to get to Jesse's if I wanted to avoid the pitying looks I get every time someone passes by. I hadn't gotten far when I heard a grunt of pain from one of the alleys up ahead. I also heard some jeering laughter. I sighed. It was too early for this but I went into the alley anyway. You're probably thinking, what why would you do that are you stupid?, and honestly i'm a little crazy. But I knew what it was like to get beat up. I shuddered at the memories. People gang up on you because you're weak, it's pathetic. I was getting beat up in an alley once, that's when Jesse found me and got rid of the bullies, nothing like breaking up a street fight to gain a life-long friend. I snapped myself out of the memory and walked into the darkness.

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