Chapter 2: Spider-Moron

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AN: I laughed while writing this title. You guys have no idea what's in store for you. I hope you enjoyed the last chapter and the bit of the cliffhanger at the end. Thank you and on to the next.


I walked into the alley and said,
"What do you think you're doing?" Two guys around my age maybe a little older, turned around and stared at me with their beady eyes. Guy number one, let's call him... Robert, laughed and said,
"None of your beeswax kid. Now get." Guy number two, I decided on Bobby for him, glared at me, almost challenging me to come closer. So of course I took that challenge. I walked up closer, calmly. Bobby grinned. I could see three teeth missing.
"You looking for a beating kid?"
"Are you looking for one?" I immediately responded. They both stared at me.
"Oh I see you're just dumb then." Robert said. "How about we knock some sense into ya then?" And they came running at me. I quickly dodged a punch that Robert through at me. And jumped over Bobby's foot. My back was to them now and I could feel Robert's fist coming, i'll explain that later. While I caught his fist I saw a blur of red and blue land on the roof. I quickly flipped Rob and punched him, probably giving him a really good black eye. I grinned at my handiwork. And then turned to find Bobby. He was kinda just staring at me in shock. And then, being the wimp that he was, he ran away. Same with Robert. I smirked and finally got a look at the victim. He was an old man, probably in his 70's, sitting there eyes wide open with a busted lip and his hand clutching his side. I slowly, with my arms out walked over and crouched next to him.
"Hey, I'm not gonna hurt you." He seemed to trust me and let me help him up. "We're just going to take you over to the shelter over there ok?" He nodded and let me help him around the corner to the homeless shelter. I dropped him off and went back to the alley to pick up my backpack. I could feel someone watching me, so I turned around. And there in all his onesie glory, was Spider-Man. Great just what I needed.
"How'd you know?" I'm pretty sure he was implying how I knew he was coming so I responded.
"You have to be careful on the streets, never know who's following you." He nodded.
"That was some fight."
"You have powers?" I scrunched my nose.
"You think some random kid who's living on the streets has super powers? You're more stupid than I thought Spider-Moron." Truth is I actually do have powers, when I was born I had super strength, a sixth sense, much like Spidey here, and hypnosis.
"Well that was kind of rude." I scoffed.
"Oh sorry did I hurt your feelings. Sheesh. Go bug someone else buddy. Pun intended." Then I walked away from him.
"Still didn't get my answer." He shouted after me. I just ignored him and walked toward Jesse's.

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