Chapter 44: Friends

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Alright imaginary, well not so much
anymore, readers. I want to say thanks to everyone who is here and is reading my book. You have no idea how happy I am. We're nearing the end of the book, so brace yourselves. With that, on the the next chapter!

I had practiced a lot and now my powers were stronger than ever. I could keep someone in my clutches for about an hour, depending on  what
I made them do. I rarely ever got flashbacks .and life was great. We sat down at the table for dinner. It was Tony's night, so of course we got takeout. We were all eating contently when Clint called me.
"So Abby, what is this?" I looked up to see my drawing in his hand.
"Just something I sketched in class."
"Mm hm. And why is there notes at the bottom that say," he squinted, "possible suit?"
"We're you, planning to be a superhero?" Tony asked.
"Maybe." I said, mumbling. Then the least thing I expected to hear came out of his mouth.
"Well good, cause I already made it."
"I'm sorry what?"
"Yeah. I made you that suit, or one like it."
"Can I see?" I asked excitedly, jumping out of my seat. He took me down to his lab, but I saw nothing. I frowned.
"Where is it?" He grinned.
"It's right here." He pushed a button in a remote. The floor opened and in a suitcase was a suit, just as I had imagined. It looked amazing, it was dark purple, with white sleeves and black gloves. It also a hood and a black mask. It also had a belt, with a swirl in the middle, and white and purple boots.

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(Please excuse my terrible drawing

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(Please excuse my terrible drawing. I thought it would be hard to explain, and I needed some visualization, so I tried to draw. I couldn't figure out the legs but they're the same as the top. The wings also don't look good, but what can ya do?)

"It's amazing! Thank you, thank you!" I ran up to Tony and hugged him. "Can I try it on?" I pleaded, excited to put it on. I snatched the suit and ran out to my room to put it on. It fit perfectly and I flipped the hood up, and put the mask on, covering most of my face. Just to see, I flipped my wings out, and they settled gently on my back. I grinned, and walked to Tony's lab. He smiled at me.
"Looks amazing."
"So what can this suit do?"
"Well I made it so that you can still hypnotize, by leaving the eyes uncovered. There's a few gadgets in your belt, I'll tell you about those soon. Your wings should be able to move freely and come out with no hesitation. Also," he half out a small earbud, that was almost invisible. "this is a com. Have it in at all times, just in case." I nodded and fit it in my ear.
"Alright, we should go finish dinner." I changed and we went back to the table. I couldn't get that suit out of my mind.

I arrived at school the next day and had to drag my feet through the day. It was boring, except for Tilly's class of course. Jake and Iris came up to me at the end of the day.
"Hey Abby?"
"Can we come over to your house? Movie night or something?" Jake asked. I was hesitant. But then I saw Iris giving me puppy eyes. I groaned.
"Uh fine. But get ready for harassment and annoyance." They both laughed. We walked together a little before we split up, going our separate directions. Better get ready for movie night.

They came at 7:00 on the dot. I had set out blankets, snacks and everything that was needed. We sat down and started a movie. Harry Potter. I hadn't seen it before and Iris told me I had to watch it. Before we knew it, we were on the second movie. Jake was nodding off, and suddenly I felt a head on my shoulder. I looked over carefully, and Iris had fallen asleep. Right. On. Me. I tried not to gasp. Jake noticed. He smiled at me and I stuck my tongue out at him. When we finished the movie, we woke Iris up, and we cleaned up, getting ready for them to go home. As we walked up to the front door, my sense was going off. A dull throb in the back of my head. I wasn't sure what it was warning about, until I looked over at Iris. It went crazy. As I hugged her, I slipped a tracker on her shirt. Just to be safe.
"It's not far right? You'll get there safe?" I asked.
"Well be fine." She reassured me. "Besides I can always text you if we have problems." I nodded, and let them go. But deep down, I knew something was going to happen.

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