Chapter 17: Panic Attack - Spider-Man

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I was just showing her my lab, the all of the sudden she collapsed, screaming and crying. Yelling at me to get something out. I didn't know what to do. She would back away from me every time I tried to touch her and she was hyperventilating.
"Friday, get Nat down here now." A few moments later Nat burst into the room. She surveyed the scene and immediately spotted the needle I had on my desk.
"Take that out of here."
"The needle?"
"Yes." I quickly took it out of the room. Nat was trying to calm Abby down. By now they had an audience. "Hey, hey. They're not here. They're gone and they're not going for hurt you." Nat hugged the sobbing girl in her arms and stroked her hair. "It's going to be ok. Can you breathe for me? In, out. Good. In, out." Abby took shaky, short breaths until she calmed down. She wiped the tears off her face and then looked up. As soon as she saw everybody, her gaze steeled and she stormed out of the room, pushing everyone out of the way. Tony stumbled back. Steve spoke in a quiet voice.
"What was that?"
"A panic attack." Nat said shortly. "I'm pretty sure the needle you had in here triggered it."
"I'm sorry." I whispered.
"It's not your fault Pete you didn't know." Nat went to go check on her and we were left there whispering about what had happened.

A few hours later, a very puffy eyed, tired Abby came stumbling out of Nat's bedroom. She grabbed some more pop tarts and collapsed on the couch next to me.
"I'm sorry." I whispered.
"It's fine." She said quietly, fiddling with a ring on her pinky. "What are we watching?" I smiled.
"Never heard of it." I gasped.
"What? You've never watched Tangled?"
"Or really any movie for that matter." My jaw dropped.
"Ok we need to watch all the Disney movies. Now." So there was sat, watching movie after movie on the giant tv. That cheered her up. Eventually people joined is. First Nat and then Steve and Sam and pretty much everybody came to watch with us. Sam and Bucky got bored during Frozen since we had watched it so many times, so they started taking. Abby smack their heads.
"Be quiet. I'm watching." I smiled. They rubbed the back of their heads while the others chuckled.
"We'll get you back for that Allen." She snorted. "Sure you will." Uh oh. This meant one thing. Tomorrow there was going to be a prank war. Abby didn't seem concerned about the threat and kept watching the movie. By the end she had fallen asleep and had her head in my lap. Nat glanced over and smiled.
"Good to see she trusts someone else Parker." Everyone turned and awwed at the sight. I stuck my tongue out at them and I thought Loki looked a little jealous. Well at least she got to see half the movie. 

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