Chapter 8: Powers

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This Natasha girl wasn't bad. My sense went off when she first came, hit slowly died as she talked. Once all her weapons were gone, I knew I could trust her. We got to McDonald's and I didn't even hesitate to order 2 Big Macs, a large fries, and cheese burger happy meal and a large soda. Natasha laughed.
"Haven't eaten in a while huh?" I grunted through my full mouth. I demolished the first burger and picked up the second one. The. She suddenly asked,
"So what are your powers?" I froze, just for a second, but I think she noticed.
"Oh c'mon I know you have some. I promise not to tell anybody."
"Here's the thing. I've only ever told Jesse. How can I know to trust you?" I questioned. She scoffed and said,
"If I had wanted you in my custody you would've been gone already."
"Not necessarily true. You probably would've used some drug, I'm immune to a lot of them." She looked surprised.
"And I fight pretty good, not to brag or anything." I was through my second Big Mac now and on to the happy meal. I looked up at her and searched her eyes. She was right I could trust her. "Fine. I was born worth super strength, and a sixth sense, a lot like your other spider."
"And?" I narrowed my eyes.
"Never seen that before? Can you show me?" All my muscles tightened. No way.
"No." I said shortly. She must have understood because  she let it be.
"Ok then what's your IQ?"
"No idea, never got it tested." She smirked.
"Ok then how about your street smart IQ?" I smiled.
"Very very high." She smiled back, then I realized something. I was actually enjoying this.
"Hey Nat?"
"Mm hm?"
"Meet me the same place tomorrow, the one where your weapons are now."
"Yep I can do that." Then we walked back to get her weapons. She clipped on her belt and stuck two knives in their sheaths. "See you tomorrow Hypno." I did a mock salute.
"See you tomorrow spider." I called as she walked off. Man, tomorrow was going to be a good day.

I walked to my usual sleeping place. Only to find out that someone had trashed it. Typical. I walked until I found an empty alley. I set down my bag and tried to get comfortable. And of course, with my luck it started to rain. I sighed and picked up my backpack. Pulling my hood on, I weaved through all the umbrellas until I got to Jesse's. On nights lie there he would let me sleep in the gym. I knocked and he let me in.
"Geez it's pouring out there huh?"
"Yeah. Thanks again."
"No problem. Anything for my best friend. Hey did Natasha find you?"
"Yeah. She's really nice, now two people know."
"You told her?"
"Yeah. It was fine I promise, she's not going to tell." I shivered in my soaked clothes.
"You need another pair of clothes?"
"No it's fine they'll dry." Jesse looked at me skeptically. Then against my wishes he brought me a new pair of clothes. The only problem. It was a tank top and sweats. And he was off fro insist that I leave my sweater out to dry. I sighed, he was going to find out sooner or later. I changed and went out to find Jesse.
"There not so cold now huh?"
"Yeah thanks."
"It's really nothing." He responded. I found a place on the mats in one of the room and started to get ready for bed when I heard a gasp.
"Abby! What the heck are those?" I turned and Jesse looked shocked. I grimaced.
"Let me tell you the story."

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