Chapter 4: The Wings

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Hey imaginary people who are reading this story! Hope you like it so far. I'm writing this before class while waiting for people to show up. My bus driver is always early 🙄. Hope you enjoy!
- Abby

I arrived at Jesse's a few minutes later. I waltzed in like I owned the place and ran up to the front desk.
"Jesse!" The sixteen year old teen looked up from the book he was reading.
"Hey Streester."
"Seriously? That again? You know I hate that nickname." I groaned. He smirked.
"And that is exactly why I call you that. How was your morning?"
"Meh. The usual. Nightmares, breaking up a street fight, meeting Spider-Man." I scrunched my nose.
"Wait, wait. Spider-Man?" Whoops shouldn't have said that.
"Yeah well I think he saw the fight and came over to help, but I had it covered. Then he asked if I had powers." I glanced over at Jesse. He was the only person in the world who knew about my secret.
"You didn't tell him right?"
"Of course not! The I called him Spider-Moron and told him to bug someone else." Jesse was about to say something but I cut him off. "You have the room ready?" The room was a big desperate space that didn't have windows and was meant for superheroes.  He nodded.
"Yeah go on ahead." I walked over to the room and opened the door. It had two punching bags hanging from the ceiling, mats all over the place for combat and and some dummys. I made sure the door was locked and no one could see in before I slipped out of my sweater and into a tank top. I went over the the floor length mirror and glanced at my back. I grimaced. Yep they were still there. Running from the top of my shoulder blades the the small of my back were two large tattooed wings. But that wasn't all they were. I closed my eyes and willed the wings to come out. I felt them unfold and settle. I slowly opened my eyes. Two large metal wings were protruding from my back. They glinted in the light and I could see the razor sharp edges of the feathers that made them up. I guess I should explain. You know how I had that nightmare about needles, yeah that's where they came from. My parents did experiments on me when they found out I had powers. Eventually they stuck metal into my bones and tattooed some special thing on me to help me hide them. After the needles they sent me to bed and I woke up the next morning with 5 foot wings in my back. They wanted to make me a super soldier I guess. After they taught me how to fight and use the wings, I ran away from home. I looked at myself in the mirror, I could still see the scars littered on my body. I shuddered. I can't think about that right now. I folded in my wings and walked over to the punching bag.

The Girl With The Metal Wings // Avengers Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now