Chapter 15: Avengers Tower Part 2: Iron Man

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"Uh hey." There was a girl in our kitchen! A fourteen year old girl by the looks of it. She had a hoodie and sweats on, and she had headphones over her ears, eating all of Thor's pop tarts. Steve stood up.
"Who are you?" The girl smirked.
"I could ask you the same thing, but I already know who all of you are." She started listing all the names of people in the common room. "Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Peter Parker, Bucky Barnes, Bruce Banner, Wanda Maximoff, Sam Wilson, Thor, oh and Clint Barton hiding in the vents. Did I miss anyone?" All our mouths were hanging open. Clint fell out of the vents.
"Listen here kid." I said. "I don't know how you got in here but you're going to have to leave now." She pouted.
"But I just got here. And I have a badge see." She pointed at the black level 10 badge that was on her hoodie.
"I'm sorry but how do you have a level 10 badge?" Cap asked.
"None of your beeswax Capsicle." She glared and sat down on a stool to start eating the snacks. Thor rushed over to her and ripped the snacks out of her hands. "Hey! I was eating those."
"Yes well these are mine," he squinted at my badge. "Abby of Allen." She pouted and looked like she was going to cry.
"But, I've never even had a pop tart before." Her voice wavering. Thor's face fell.
"Oh. Um, I'm sorry Abby if Allen. You may have your pop tarts back." He handed the box back to her and she started to happily much on some.
"Hey where's Nat?" She asked with her mouth full.
"Why?" Wanda asked.
"I want to see her." Peter then rushed up to her. He looked her in the eyes for a second before she shouted, "BOO!" Straight into his face. He jumped and landed in the ceiling. "Go bug someone else spider boy." She snapped as she was keening her third package of pop tarts. Steve gasped.
"Now I know who you are. You're that kid from the boxing gym." She frowned.
"Yeah I still haven't forgiven you for that Cap." She walked to the fridge and pulled out some orange juice. "Well I guess this is mine now." She stated as she drank straight from the jug. Steve and Sam were blubbering like fish, Peter was trying to get down from the ceiling, Thor was muttering about pop tarts, Wanda and Bruce were trying to control themselves and Clint was getting his bow set up. And then Loki had to walk in.
"Hello mortals."
"Loki!" This girl, Abby shouted.
"Do I know this young midgardian?"
"No you don't." Abby stated. "But I know you. You're pretty cool, you know that? I especially loved how you tried to blow up New York."
"Well thank you young Abby. I try."
"Can you show me some magic?"
"Well of cour-"
"No no no! First answer our questions little lady." I shouted. She flinched. Huh weird.
"Well you haven't really asked me a lot of questions yet. But go ahead."
"First, name."
"Abby Allen, you already know that." She said rolling her eyes.
"How's you get in here?"
"Confidential information." Steve huffed.
"You better give us some straight answers or you're going to be in a hospital."
"Mr. Rogers!" Peter exclaimed. "You can't threaten her. She seems pretty nice."
"She is." Nat decided to come into the room.
"You know her Nat?" Wanda asked.
"Yeah. I hope you went easy on them squirt."

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