Chapter 40: Eyepatch - Nick Fury

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The hologram popped away an I slammed my fist on my desk.
"Come on." I said gruffly. My guest followed me and we hopped into a car. I drove as fast as I could to Avengers Tower. Tony was going to get it. I slammed through the scanners, not even letting Holly say a word to me. I hustled into the elevator and rode up. I rushed into Tony's lab.
"Anthony Stark!"
"Oh hey Eyepatch."
"You think it's funny to interrupt my meeting with a hologram?"
"What hologram?" He asked dumbly.
"Oh don't play dumb Stark." He was silent and then looked over at the security cameras. He cursed silently and then said,
"FRIDAY disable all cameras."
"Yes sir." The automated voice replied. I raised an eyebrow at him.
"Oh don't worry I know who did this. We just have to wait for them to come." He said a matter of factly.
"I'm sorry but what is going on here?" Carol asked.
"You know that hologram? Yeah I thought hat was Tony, but apparently it's not. So we are waiting for the real culprit." She nodded.
"Pleasure to meet you Stark." Tony shook Carol's hand.
"Pleasures all mine Captain Marvel. Come on, I'll take you to the others." We went to the common room.
"Eyepatch!" A few people hollered.
"Fury." Nat said, giving me a nod. I nodded back. They all greeted me. I sat down quietly, waiting for the person to come.
"Who are you?" Steve asked Carol.
"Captain Marvel. Or Carol. Whichever." She replied.
"Looks like you have some competition Cap." Sam said.
"Shut up birdbrain." He snapped back.
"So, when are they getting here?" I asked.
"Who?" Clint questioned. Tony looked at his watch.
"About an hour." I grunted. I'll just have to wait then, and watch all these idiots. This was going to be a long hour.

By the end of the hour, Clint and Sam had managed to pull 3 pranks, Steve, Nat and Bucky had given up and gone to the training room. Bruce and Tony were in an argument about who knows what, and the twins were showing off their powers.
"Could you stop for one second!?" I shouted at Pietro as he zoomed past for what seemed like the millionth time.
"Geez someone's crabby." He said as he whizzed to a stop in front of me. "Yeah well Stark said they would be here in an hour and it's been and hour and fifteen minutes." He just scoffed before speeding somewhere else. Then, Peter came through the door, no doubt getting home from school.
"Fury. What are you doing here?"
"Just waiting for someone."
"Ah." Everyone greeted him and he smiled. He went off to make himself a snack, when a girl, probably about 14, came through the door. She had weirdly golden eyes. Everyone stopped what they were doing and tackled her in hugs.
"Alright alright! I get it you love me!" Everyone piled off and Pietro asked how her day was. "Amazing! We had free time in Computer Science and then we got to build AIs in R&E. Well I did. I'm kind of far ahead." I got a better look at her. Dark brown hair, the golden eyes. Oh gosh. There is no way. She noticed me. "Fury! Hey Eyepatch! How are you doing?" She smiled and gave me a hug. I felt a grin twitch in my lips.
"Pretty good kiddo."
"Ok what is happening?" Stark yelled.
"Oh right." Abby chuckled. "Well I met him on the streets. Very mysterious. He's a nice guy though. Gave me some money, fighting tips."
"Does he know?" Tony asked.
"Of course not! Why would I tell him?" She screeched.
"Tell me what?" I glared at her. She didn't shrink away.
"None of your beeswax Nick." Her eyes narrowed at me. We sat there, having a staring contest.
"Hey Abby?" Tony said, breaking the tension.
"What?" She snapped.
"Oh well I was just wondering what you did in Computer Science." A grin appeared on his face. Abby's disappeared.
"You know don't you? Well, you would have found out sooner or later."
"Found out what? And I swear do you don't answer my question, I'm going to lose it." I growled.
"Fury," Tony chuckled. "meet your hacker."

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