Chapter 36: Detention

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Everyone started shouting.
"What were you thinking?!" That was Bruce.
"You could've been hurt!" That was Steve.
"What the heck?" I think that was Sam.
"That sounds cool! I want to blow something up!" Loki.
"Alright quiet!" Pepper silenced them all. She looked at me. "You said you got detention?"
"Then you don't need anything from us. Except maybe a lecture on lab safety."
"No! Not a lecture! My fatal weakness!" I gasped clutching my heart. Everyone chuckled.
"I'm sure Tony will get off topic."
"Why do I have to do it?" He whined.
"Cause you're my dad." I argued. He groaned.
"Fine. Come on kid." We walked down to the lab and he started the lecture.

I went to school the next day. I met Jake and Iris at the front.
"So what's the verdict?" Jake asked. He was the resident trouble maker before I came along.
"A week of detention. And I got a boring lecture from Tony about lab safety." We had told Iris about the adoption. Still neither of them knew about my powers.
"Well that sucks." Iris said.
"Those bubbles were fun to play with though." Jake said. I grinned. I was lucky to have friends.

I arrived in detention after class. Only two other people were there. Peter, which surprised me and, oh yes, Wade. I smiled. This was gonna be fun. I sat down at the back next to them.
"What did you do Pete?" I asked.
"Late for class again." I glanced at Wade.
"I got in a fight."
"Did you win?" He smiled.
"I like her. And yes I did." Peter groaned.
"Then how did you get that black eye Wade?" He asked.
"Hey! We don't talk about that. I won and that's final." Peter grumbled. "What about you?"
"Oh I caused an explosion. It was pretty cool. It made these amazing yellow bubbles."
"You're like three weeks in and you already caused and explosion? Wow." Wade said.
"Second actually." I corrected.
"How come I didn't hear about this last night?" Peter asked. Wade knew about the Avengers, so it was ok to talk about it.
"Pepper didn't think I needed any other punishment other then Dad droning on about lab safety for an hour." They both laughed.
"Yeah that the worst." Peter said. Then Wade suddenly said,
"Do I know you from somewhere?"
"I don't believe so. Unless you saw me in the streets." His faces morphed into shock.
"What's wrong Wade?" Peter asked.
"You wouldn't know." He muttered. "Oh gosh. I met you once. Out on the streets. I bought you food, but you wouldn't have known it was me." I thought for a minute. Then it hit me. I imagined the voice in the red and black suit. It was an exact match.
"You're Deadpool?" I asked.
"Oh that's cool. Thanks for the food that night." He grinned.
"You're welcome." We talked for a couple minutes before I put the plan into action.
"Hey Peter can I talk to you for a second?" I pulled him to the other side of the room. "Alright here's my plan."
"No Abby. No way. I will not get wrapped in doing this."
"Just listen. I'll go to the bathroom. The teachers not even here, which gives you the chance to talk to Wade."
"Why not? It's perfect."
"Abby I am not telling Wade I have a crush on him." Peter whisper yelled at me.
"You better I'll be back in exactly five minutes. If you haven't, then I'll tell him myself." Peter's eyes widened.
"You wouldn't dare."
"Try me." Then I walked out of the room. I walked around for three minutes before I came back to listen. I heard them laughing.
"Can I tell you something?" I heard Peter ask.
"Anything." I heard an uncomfortable silence and then Peter burst out,
"I kinda have a huge crush on you and I was worried you wouldn't like me back so I didn't tell you and I-" He cut off. I grinned and walked I walked into the classroom to see them kissing. I cheered. They pulled apart.
"Finally! You finally did it!" Wade laughed and Peter blushed. "Now I just gotta get Stucky together." I mumbled. Peter chuckled.
"Yes we do."
"We have to do what?" Wade asked.
"See Bucky and Steve like each other but they're too chicken to admit it. So I need to get them together."
"Well if it's anything like me and Peter here, then you'll have no problems."
"Shut up Wade." Peter gently slapped him. "But I agree. Let's hatch a plan." So the rest of detention was the Stucky council meeting. I'm pretty sure it would work.

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