she(she 2.0, I'm running out of poem titles)

30 2 1

she is mean,

she gives me doubts,

she tells me everything is not okay,

she points out all my flaws and my problems,

she tells me I will never be good enough,

she says "you're worthless, pathetic, useless".

her words cut deep,

they are poison in my veins,

they bring me to tears,

she stares at me with her emotionless face.

I wonder why she does this to me.

She is the voice in the back of my head, that never stops talking.


Lucky you! I wrote another poem, I changed my mind. I hoped you liked this poem! The picture is from Pinterest, below is a quote I found on Pinterest. 

We drink the poison 

our minds pour for us 

and wonder 

why we feel so sick 


If you have any poem requests tell me, also if you want to talk to me and ask about the poems I will be here. Free verse poetry again cause I didn't want to spend hours trying to find rhymes. Sorry, and thanks for reading! Bye!


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